Please make melee and tvb a heck of a lot more strategic and extremely more fun. It will make the game so much more strategic, BGH literally destroyed melee(tvb now) years ago when it came out. I have extremely hated it ever since, it literally destroyed my gaming experience and strategy for Star Craft so much.
I have hated it ever since NOW, lets make the game so much more extremely strategic and fun and remove custom made maps. There is literally no denying it, it needs to absolutely happen. What, is even the argument for not doing it. Make my life so much deeply so deeply better and remove custom made maps. Man, do I forever hate BGH and have hated it ever since it came to star craft Years and Years ago, Please there is no argument, remove custom made maps, make the game so much more fun and strategic like when it was brand new, Remove the custom made maps, there is no argument make it deeply deeply more truly better, no arguing, what is even the argument for keeping it, make it awesome again, please please thanks! Please Please beg beg on me knees make it happen, Why in the world NOT. please please thankyou! thank you! Remove Custom Made Maps, Blizzard Maps Only! Lets Bring strategy back to the game why not, Bring Strategy and Fun back to Star craft, make it happen! Strategy Smart and Fun back to Star Craft, why not why not. Remove Custom Made maps, blizzard maps only. Thank you! Strategy and Fun back to Star Craft, Thank you! FuFill any smart mans dream about Star craft 1, Blizzard Maps only no Custom Made Maps, thank you lets agree, do it.
Would Like a Blue Response. Absolutely.
Did you have a stroke or something?
TLDR; You want to say: we don’t need to use calculators in our life, we should use our minds/fingers to calculate, its more fun.
Besides your broken record here, if you don’t like something, don’t use it, but don’t try to force other people not to use it, bc it might be very useful/fun to them.
This reminds me of players that didn’t want the reply/game to have any statistics in it (not even a worker count) bc its spoils their own fun, strategy reading/predicting of the upcoming events, some people always have a debate on this… do we want more useful stuff/statistics, or we just want the original Stone Age stuff, my opinion is arrogant old players (pros or not) will tell you we want to read/predict the strategy and make our own minds operate, and let the newbies and intermediate player that doesn’t understand strategy very well die, or just learn the game from US
, if you guys put more statistics every1 will understand this game quickly, in less time, as we understand it and even better, this could make newbie beat a pro in no time. We don’t want that.
BTW every1 hate replay/game casters that hides vital infos of the game/replay, in order to make HIS appearance
, strategy reading as a commentator more important.
For example, if Artosis showed statistics like what StarCraft1 CoachAI offers in a live replay/obs, will it even matter if Artosis is casting this game or someone else ? no importance of Artosis there, that’s why they hate the useful stuff.
Well to me the game is strategy, so what is the point of making it less strategic except being a meron. I’m sorry not a argument I don’t get that, the game is strategy not less strategy. Get rid of BGH and make melee and tvb strategic again thank you.
Chillxy: noooo, you can’t play the game as you want, you HAVE to play only meleé!!!
Me: Mercenaries II goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr
Edit: I didn’t plan on it, but I’m gonna play an EUD map right now just to piss you off AND have fun.