Starting SC1 after SC2

Hi! Welcome to SC1! :slight_smile:

I’m not a 1v1 player myself anymore, but even when I started playing years ago, I still felt overwhelmed but the weakest players.

If I were in the same position as you, I’d watch all these great videos made by our beloved Day[9], which cover the basics of Starcraft and a lot more:

After that, I’d check out this page, which presents a compilation of great Starcraft resources, put up together by TheEngineeringBay:

Ultimately, I’d play against the bots created by the community, using SCHNAIL, created by Sonko, found here:
SCHNAIL only works with Starcraft v 1.16.1, not with Starcraft Remastered. If you beat the hardest bot on SCHNAIL you are as good as a low B on the battlenet ladder, if I’m not wrong.

Here’s a video of the creator himself showing how SCHNAIL works:

You can also use, made by icza, to get valuable replays of other players or to upload your own replay for analysis. SCRChart is also a nice tool for replay analysis, made by MasterReY, found here:

I think repmastered works with replays from both 1.16.1 and SC:R, while SCRChart works only with replays from SC:R.