I also believe that, there is one more that actually could change the way that we see professional SC and that is very basic really "TEAM MELEE"
I know it sounds dumb but Team Melee or Micro/Macro is really a great opportunity for seeing a classical 1v1 but now… there are 2 pros behind so you could push really interesting maps, see if they chose to do “multiracing” (Probe +Drone or SCV + probe or Probe + SCV etc), i think some competitive games of this kind could most definitively be not only interesting to watch but VERY MUCH NEEDED as you say…
Something to spice things up.
Imagine Bisu and Best both managing a Protoss army together vs Flash and Action managing a terran/zerg base in the other corner, in a map that has 2 mineral base available quick to take, with ramps to block etc.
The clan system would require Blizzard to invest in Btnet servers… honestly?.. dont even think about it… that is extremely necessary, in reality what i would like to see is the following: Create an option to launch games from links so you create a room and send a LINK over Discord and people click and the clien opens DIRECTLY in the game.
About purchasable content? i believe that BWAPI/Team Match making DLC would be more than fine to have, more consoles to purchase, more “skins” like Cartoon/ mode…i would purchase them all for sure, specially if they make some of the early consoles available again… like that annoying Blizzcon or the “musical” one.
About tutorial?? i believe that BWAPI and the community could build the BEST set of UMS/Bwapi driven “tutorial” ever created for a game really…that would be awesome to have.
The ladder i believe is fine as it is honestly, i like how the ladder is, it would be “nice” to have some sort of symbol like + if you already been in that letter before in the reason (Works differently than the + sing in Iccup or fish), if you started your season and got to A and then lose some games and go down to B, give those players a B + if they went down to C then C*++* and so on. Also colors for diferent S types, like “people that never go out of S during the last season and played regulary make them gold” or “People that are always in the top 5 or 10 of the S give them SS”. I completely 100% agree that needs to be implemented, we need a new “language” that spices things up.
Some other things that i personally would like to see…
Let the people that have the free version JOIN the ladder, they will click QUICK GAME they will get no Ladder points, they just click a button and they are in, is the same as payed version but they cannot: VETO maps, see ladder points etc… they are just pressing a button for “quick gameplay”, even free people play each other, you can use free people stats to give a breathing space to the people that are playing Ladder and losing a lot, just trow them a chobo here and there.
It would be nice if they make a DLC as i mentioned with BWAPI, Team Match Making, new “remastered cinematics” and harder campaign (much harder), make us BLEED to finish the game Offline again, and trow us a few extra missions here and there.
It would be nice to have a ladder for FFA, hey i know it sounds DUMB, but people forget how cool FFA actually is given the correct maps and circumstances, it could be easily implemented.
It would be nice to have a map repository… just search something and download it, HELL i know Blizzard would never invest in such a thing, but it would be nice to download maps from a central server… at least those that are popular.
etc… i love this dreaming threads, i know that one day something like this will be possible and even better than we imagine in 2021. Mark my words, Cloud gaming will change everything.