Starcraft 1+2 main campaign coop

Hello all. Looking to play thru the main story campaign of starcraft remastered and sc 2 with my wife as a coop. Where we both control the same troops same resource and everything but just enjoy the story together. 20 years ago we did that when using a lan instead of a internet connection. We tried to do it using battlenet but couldn’t figure out how. contacted support and they replied yes you can but with no way shown. Lastly they provided a link to here.

So basically I have no problem rebuying the games I just want to know how to play the main story campaign before I spend the cash. Walkthru or something?

As a side note if anyone has any suggestions for any other RTS’s that allow this and have a good story to play through please throw those suggestions out.

Thank you any and all for your help.

Campaign has never been multiplayer.

There is however team melee where you can both control as you were describing.
But honestly I’m unsure if they kept that option/ game mode for remaster.

There is multiple options to play the campaign with another player (co-op):

But personally, if I’ll ever play the campaign again, I’d like to play without any mod/co-op, but with the amazing CoachAI.

I really enjoyed (also ~about 20 years ago) just me & my brother watching each other playing the campaign, each on his own, teasing/challenging each others, what a days! :milky_way:


Thank you.

I know there is a set of coop missions on SC2. Is there a way to do the SC2 campaign as coop?

Again Thanks.

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You’re welcome, I don’t know about 2, maybe :roll_eyes:.