Everybody on your feet. There is no parrot that can repeat this without their beaks. Similar to two cars rolling down the streets. Fallen heroes starting back from zero. Here’s to all your Starcraft Broodwar survivors!
(Stand Up!)
This is a candle lit for all of you faithful Starcraft survivors. No dictionary, but things are looking up.
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I don’t conceive playing StarCraft as a matter of survival.
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If only you can witness the hunter’s dissection of the chickens, then perhaps you would feel that survivor’s instinct.
It took me a year or two to reply back to you and the way I do makes it seem like its 2002. Now in this world you can evolve a hydra into a hero too without stepping onto a beacon toodaloo Not like viral views looking at me or you, so why start a scene and continue to light up a fuse rather than to chuck a deuce? Probably because Chuck never threw Bruce through the roof when he looked like he could.
Guess not much has changed in the games or in the forums. What? This is the only course of action to build more factions like the expansion on a fraction of factories. A toy’s story without the war veterans employed and that means the storm trooper boys.
Google friend, convert words using algorithm, not thinking. This world you and that survivor’s dissection to reply because Chuck a deuce?
Probably back to light up a fraction toodaloo Not like he chickens, the games or you, so why start a scene and continue to chuck a deuce? Probably because rather that survivor’s dissection of then you can evolve a year or two to build more faction of action to light up a fuse. Chuck never gave to you to evolve a hydra into a hero. You can evolve a hydra into a beacon to light up starcraft.
I know you want that flash in the pan again but not happening man. So Beast, so be it. The Almighty Morpheus is morbid with the thought of excitement drained within. The stains in the lobby shows the longevity left in this activity.
Like an abandoned asylum, why stay cosplaying as a prisoner when you can use those bars to split the imprisonment. Cell ain’t max out when he’s polished to be perfect, so why does Kerrigan have to be infested? Like when I ever do come back to this game, then I’ll shove 456 inches of my instrument into her slit.