SCR: Brood War, Mission fails everytime


i’m playing SC1 for a while now because i never did, really enjoying it so far. Well, since the latest update, i cannot continue the campaign. Everytime i want to start the second Zerg Mission in Brood War, called “Reign of Fire”, after a few minutes, when i can begin to build up a zerg base, the game cancels with the messege “You failed to achieve victory!” and throws me out of the mission to restart it.

It’s a choke point from there. I don’t know how to fix this or to act.

Can someone help please?


Hey krautsurfer,

Keep one drone at all times. If you use the two starting ones to build a Hatchery and an Extractor at the same time, the mission will fail.

uhh… and you never fixed it? Considering you have enough minerals to continue forward this is a failed glitch on your part… So good job.

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