Before I hear it; let me state my case a little.
First off; I don’t think removing Star Edit was a good idea nor was it even the best idea over all in general. While it was lacking in features, things we’re easy enough to grasp and manipulate in general to create your own maps, campaigns and even do the basics of whatever you we’re after.
I’ve looked online and seen SCMDraft 2 and seen some of the most odd, yet, impressive maps developed with it and I can understand why most people move to it and want to use it in general overall.
What I do not like or what I think was a mistake is checking what type of support SCMDraft 2 HAS and IF, big if now, IF it can detect the Starcraft Remastered in order to manipulate that data and spit back out any game edits in general.
When I discovered Star Edit was removed and checked the patch notes, I tried SCMDraft 2 they recommended, both the new unstable build and the more stable one available. Neither build of this program could PICK UP on Starcraft Remastered or the game data. When it asked for the Starcraft Directory, I directed it to the Starcraft Remastered file, all of the files within and it couldn’t pick up on anything.
I’ve tried googling this problem and there doesn’t seem to be any errors of this happening and I’ve tried checking youtube for setup tutorials and everyone seems to be able to plug and play the program without so much as an error message or so much as an issue to come back and bite them!
… More or less, I’m left without a proper map editor to the original StarCraft. And unless Blizzard has tested this properly; It seems like a poor decision and there needs to be something better from them than this mess.
I’ve dug out my old CD’s, installed a legacy version of Starcraft, I’m hunting down the patches before the latest one for this version so I can work with the old maps again until SCMDraft 2 either has proper support or Blizzard supports them in some method with the directories among other items.
And yes, I’ve tried running SCMDraft 2 with the legacy directory; I seem to be running into the same problem on a loop.