Hello Guys,
One simple question: How do I lock a map on SCM Draft 2 so that no one can edit it or open it?
I have searched everywhere and unable to find how to lock a map (that is after creating a map). Thanks.
Hello Guys,
One simple question: How do I lock a map on SCM Draft 2 so that no one can edit it or open it?
I have searched everywhere and unable to find how to lock a map (that is after creating a map). Thanks.
theres no way to do that. even if you corrupt it, someone still will be able to read and edit it
You could try using EUD Editor 3
It’s for adding EUD’s, but when it saves a map, it locks it. I don’t know if you need to add an EUD trigger to save a map, but if you do, you can set minerals to you desired start value or something like that
Hello Lalo, I tried to install EUD Editor 3 - when it came to x86 it asked how to run it - through which program?
It’s a long time ago I stoped making SC maps and I don’t remember too much about it. However, take a look this
and this
You also need the latest version of euddraft
Also, you can join the Star Edit Network discord
Edit: notice that using EUD’s in general and EUD Editor 3 in particular will cause a Defeat message at the end of the scenario, even if you have completed the objectives