Remix and Remastered: Operation CWAL

If that Protoss Dark Archon wants to morph faster, then we better get blood splattered. Turn up the blood pressure when we climbing the ladder. Speedometer clocks 90 MPH, but it don’t matter. Rewards come after you complete the mission, young master. Give me StarCraft and I give you a bloodbath. What they gonna do to me? Report and ban me? Expelled from the social community, we live in a society.

The Trivia-Bot in Brood War USA-1 be asking us questions like, “What is the range of Parasite?” while Harvey be looking for his missing wife. One lad was so mad and tired of the ongoing spam. Another man wanted to join a clan because he fell in love with the opening act. I love the guilds as much as the pros love builds. Django unchained on these slaves but where the ban go when these humans misbehave?

Fantasize about driving through a drive-thru and park the car in the dining room. Getting ahead of myself like there goes the timing too. Sometimes I would write like I like similes, but like it’s not like I would type like a typewrite. We hypothesized the gaming industry would get monopolized, but we created a civil war amongst ourselves on a civil night. U.S East server got shut down due to the flood. U.S West server got all these low budget clowns working up the circus now. We from the East have no problem befriending the West, but why be apart from their house when we can be a part of their house? In other words, we lay the concrete cement in this foundation while these Port-A-Pottie wannabes decay, and it’s too late to reflect upon their hallucinations.