I’ve been thinking, what if all units are given more directions to face complete with new images for them? And also give Siege Tanks in Siege Mode, Sunken Colonies, and Turret additional attack direction animations?
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The main issue with this if you would want to do it, in well, a “true” form, would require updating all of the sprites from the ground up. In remastered they simply went through and updated the textures to over simplify it. Making new directions and animations for a true 360 would require a lot of work as you would need to functionally rewrite the actual sprites and animations to do it. So, for example, think of the sprites at the 8 directions of a compass. N, E, S, W. as well as NE, NW, SE, SW. this is how 2D sprites face directions while in this type of viewtype, there’s no ‘true’ full 3d so to speak.