Please update the maps!

Cydra , Please change the old versions of ladder maps into the latest versions.
The latest versions are now used in ASL Season 14.
Using the latest version of maps is very important thing to users.

butter 1.4 → butter 2.0
allegro1.1b → allegro 1.1c
Vermeer 1.3 → Vermeer SE 2.1

And Most starcraft users want Neo Sylphid 3.0 (New Version)
Please Put it in and Extract ‘Metaverse’
Please Cydra… as soon as possible…

Thank you for your service.

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Cydra , Please change the old versions of ladder maps into the latest versions.
The latest versions are now used in ASL Season 14.
Using the latest version of maps is very important thing to users.

butter 1.4 → butter 2.0
allegro1.1b → allegro 1.1c
Vermeer 1.3 → Vermeer SE 2.1

And Most starcraft users want Neo Sylphid 3.0 (New Version)
Please Put it in and Extract ‘Metaverse’
Please Cydra… as soon as possible…

Cydra is a community manager.

That’s the messenger you’re shooting.


Thx Mr. Hindsight.