New Patch .. Lobby Wont Load

Yeahhhh since I patched I cant even join a game or create one … the lobby doesn’t even show me 1 game to join…any1 else?

situation 1 in 1. Still processor loaded on 100%. Reinstalling the game did not help. Support directed me to this forum.

did u fix the problem mine is doing it to

nope it still does it, even after I reinstalled it

I can’t even get the game to open after DL of new update today (Nov 22, 2019)

what the heck do we do?

Lobbies keep graying out. Have to refresh every 2 seconds. Only seeing like 2 lobbies at a time too, which doesn’t seem right when there are normally 2 pages.

I think this was happening before the patch too.

Update: latest patch seemed to fix this, but now the chat isn’t automatically scrolling to the bottom…