Maphack in Rank game

Opponent ID: llllllllIII (28 wins 2 losses)
You can copy and paste to see on the leaderboard. I used BWChart 2.00C program to extract his ID on a text file.

Hi Blizzard, I might need to introduce who I am to support my reasonable report.
I’m Scan (Max 2700+MMR Rank 8 3 weeks ago), from South Korea.
Recently I’ve been playing on a different ID and learning other races more and trying to reach TOP100(2500MMR) since it is not easy to find games at super high level games.
I’ve reached max 2480MMR with my off-race, but now currently struggling at 2300 with nearly 300 off-race games.
Today, I was playing PvP match and went for the proxy 2 gateways at the center and my opponent completely countered(2 gateways at home with shield battery way before his 1st zealot came out) my strategy without scouting.
This is extremely uncommon to be happened in high level games(unless he knows the player’s style and very lucky but I would highly doubt for this kind of case) and out of my nearly 300 off-race games, I played about 10 Protoss games and remaining Zerg games.

If Blizzard needs the replay, I’m happy to send to you.



I think its a real problem, People still hacking after 20 years thats so lame and bad for the game

I really do need a reply from the Blizzard. I posted this on May 14th like nearly 3 weeks ago mentioning that this player is a maphack player, and now he is currently ladder rank 1st. Many of top players know this guy is using maphack, and I’m not happy with Blizzard ignoring this. I still have the replay and also can ask my friends to send their replays to me to prove this guy is a maphack user.


Reporting; Korreanumberone

He uses “diss” as he called it to lag the game which brings up the lag window. He can communicate even with that up (which I believe was from Oblivion) He brags about being able to ddos & how he is invincible etc. What can be done?

Throw it on sc reddit people prolly look at that more and public scrutiny is the only thing that makes devs do anything with haste.

Well, i see but you need evidence just upload the replay or best make a video and put it on youtube. If you have no channel or so just give it to me(in some way) i upload it for you and i give you the link …

I see you problem here, but you cant just say this guy cheated and i have the replay you must provide the replay in some way, if not you cant expect the people or Blizzard or anyone to believe you …

WE need a clear video on youtube or some other platform that saves it for the longest possible time …
So the people and Blizzard can just look it up fast, check it, understand and take action against it …

I dont have a program that can load it on youtube but I can send it to you.

send here if you need someone to upload it on youtube …

Host the replay and use video recording software while you watch it. Or paste replay here.

I sent you the replays.

Post it here and on reddit if you really want traction.
Or send to hacks@blizzard

Here is the presumable video of Mr. ZOG

Lol …
You may think what you want, but seems like me that he/ she(zog) has a kind of abusive behaviour and kind of got what he looked for … "DDOS- attack "

One of those that makes the RM community so toxic, he seems (Yoda) …

What are you thoughts on this ?

Also iam the only one who thinks, the First/ long replay is corrupted or why brown and co so long in the game ? with so much APM …
Dont know if this helps anything …
Well, we have one player that is a douchebag and the other threatens with hacking and what more, and it seems it is not just a threat …

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[quote=“Leonix-21963, post:13, topic:126”]
You may think what you want, but seems like me that he/ she(zog) has a kind of abusive behaviour and kind of got what he looked for … "DDOS- attack [/quote]

Like hell I am!!! Lets get that straight…I abided by the rules of the game!!! Treachery IS. I repeat, IS part of the game!!! HACKING, IS A VIOLATION & shouldnt be allowed.

Well, i am only saying what i saw …
Pretty sure , “racist insults” are not part of an benefical environment…
Iam not saying you cant, just pointing it out …
Either way, there some non written rules of respect, you may thing of them what you want…
Sure, you must not act accordingly, but than dont wonder if the other dont respect other rules, either…
Whatever this is just a big mess, iam sure the people will enjoy it …
So dont worry, iam sure this will help to fight all kind of problems of the community…
Lets see how this plays out …

And on one part we can met, hacking shouldnt be allowed and should be punished…
Cant understand why blizzard even deleted an other post, where i even gave them 100% evidence of a maphacker…
And it seems i wasnt the only one, who got that treatment…

The behaviour of punishing the people who report about these different hackers, to silence them should end at once …

Drophacked again. Ill send you the map.