Looking for old (custom/fun) map names or download links


I cant find a few funmaps anymore and I forgot the name. Some I remembered and are remaked in sc2, but some are not and I would love to at least have the ability to replay them in SC:BW.
My memories are 20 years old, but I think I can describe them very well.

So lets start:

  1. Sniper Bunker Funmap PvP - very plain and grey map
    The map was for 4 players and in each quadrant of the map was one bunker for one player. You spawned with up to 4 snipers and losing them was very precious. You were able to use snipers to kill off the enemy, but I think (take this with a grain of salt) there were also units spawning.

  2. Rotating Unit Mass Fight Funmap PvP - very plain and grey map
    I think this was up to 6 players. Each player started with the same unit which reproduced and got more with time. Depending on kills your units got converted to a new unit. E.g. starting with marines, after killing 100 enemies you get mutas.

  3. Random Beacon Tower Defense Funmap PvE/PvP
    You had beacons and random tower defense units.

If anybody can remember the names would be great…

Try here


and here


1: no clue sorry lol (sounds maybe like marine bunker defense?)

2: Sounds like an Evolves map, many different ones made but usually used the name Evolve or Evolves. There was also like a Halo, Simpsons, and Family Guy version made of these maps that were quite out of balance. (anyone remember zergling madness though? that was the stuff.)

3: lots of things that could be but some popular ones running now are: Beacon Tower Defense, God Tower Defense, and Random Beacon Defense.

lots of names are in korean too but I don’t know any, usually they translate in game though if you shift through lobbies.

  1. There was a PvP sniper map where you had to click on the enemy ghost before they clicked on you. There were respawns and pretty complex terrain in the middle. I do think it was called something ghost.

  2. Sounds like golems or bunker wars, but there were plenty of off brand maps too. In bunker wars the objective was just to overwhelm someone and kill their bunker. The same was true of golems, but after a certain amount of kills you got a credit that could get you hero units.