here you can see
from 2:30 min +++
here you can see
from 2:30 min +++
this soab keeps hacking time and time again, he always drop hacks/lag hacks and map hacks, and he is still not banned…
his id TortugaVIL
he was right when said “40 minutes” after that his “laghack” just disconnected him
** from 2:30 hours +++
Wow, So I am a returning old PC player who has been stuck on the dark side of consoles for many years playing halo wars wishing i was playing SC, I have just regained access to my account after maybe 10 years?
anyway I am checking around the forums to see whats what wondering if this is worth playing still and I see this… seriously? I do not remember things being even close to this bad when it came to lagswitching, if this is the sort of behaviour I can expect then I think i will go back to console, is this seriously not even going to be addressed?
regards, siv
Laghack is pretty common thing lately, just witnessed how opponent held my 5 pool because of lag: it started when my lings arrived and he constantly lagged so he could control his probes before cannons finish (might be even maphack, he made 2 cannons on top of ramp). This is getting ridicilous. Welcome back old good unplayable US servers!
Serious stuff, Blizzard should act and ban immediately.
Not okay to wait around like the dev team usually does
no it is not normal…
please ban this guys
vladgg also from colombia doind the same cheat
lag_troll nickname
i think its the same person…
His akas are (MARINEXD), -MARINEXD-, -ZERGLINGXD-, and TortugaVil
Now he is called Tortuga, im suffering this in the mayority of my games.
And the blizzard support does nothing.
They keep saying “is your computer”