Ladder map balance

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Starcraft 1 isn’t skill game way botters have been running games, best the players hope for is something like 50% win ratio. Because from their view point end justifies means.

Nope, the maps are pretty much there to there, for example there was such maps as lost temple, which was most balanced map, there is ramp going up the entrance, and 2 islands, and terran can build supply depot and barrack, on the entrance to stop to block the entrance to the base, and build few marines against protoss, otherwise protoss, could overwelm with zealots. Dragoons are ok, can hold off marines, few zealots could help alot, marines and medics aren’t good against zealots couple of firebats won’t really be a problem when they build templar archive, and storm them, or dark templar. There are many strategies against terran, and the expansion spot are concaved, give player more time to progress. Go for the factory with tank, or vultures which does very against protoss and they got islands on top left and top right, which give player more strategies. Against zerg, lurkers and hydra, if you don’t expand fast enough as terran vs zerg, zerg is going to have multiple hatcheries and it’s gg if you only have 1 base. Defend early from zerg, with zerglings or could go mutalisks against terran, put lurkers in front of expansion spot, and terran can’t do much. But teching up to siege tank can be good. Back forth action.

Current map give little more advantages to others races then terran, like small hole entrance, 66% of hitting a shot, against one who’s on the cliff in lost temple. Little less advantageous.