Ladder is broken -

The ladder’s 5 minute update function stopped working on August 1. Since then the ladder does not update and show new names or new records. please fix this asap as this is a pretty crucial experience to starcraft ladder.

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Blizzard seems to be dead for any old games. Fix the issue Blizzard or sell this IP to a company who can!

sadly. :frowning: they keep breaking things with every single patch and then never come back to fix it.

Well thats normal for retired games. You think they came back and fixed everything that broke with D1 or WC1 and 2? Just try to play either and you find out right quick.

except with BW they come back to reset the ladder and break something every single time.

Which isn’t unexpected because as time goes on it will be less and less functional, again just like all games that are no longer maintained.

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