Kills for Cannons


You can rush someone with cannons behind their minerals at 11,12, 1, 5, and 7 spawns on big game hunters. You can hide cannons in opponents base and slowly creep in. You can make mass cannon all over a bgh/fastest map so opponents cannot get out of base. You can make cannons on a cliff on Lost Temple. This amazing unit costs 0 supply and does a solid 20 damage.

Why does this godly op unit not get kills like zealots, zerglings, marines or any other unit. I bet cannons could outrank battlecruisers/carriers in kills if they got kills. Sunkens and Turrets should also have a kill counter.

They are weak after early game as an offensive strategy. Mass units can take cannons down because their attack is faster and can do nothing against units under dark swarm. Cannon is good as defense and cheese only

What’s this discrimination against Spore Colonies?

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stop playing on imba maps and you might not have this problem…

Its not a problem. If I cannon rush someone and my cannon gets 25 kills I want it to show that my cannon has 25 kills.

I think that you should count your canon’s kills. The aspect of canons not having kills is good imo. Starcraft is a memory game and it takes skills to use. Just takes practice my friend.

I think the problem is also with kill counter cap set to 255.

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