Issue with Custom RGB player color map in Melee/TopvsBottom

Shortly: StarCraft always loads race and custom player color info from map, even other than Use map settings.

Step 1: Create map with custom RGM player color with SCMDraft2.
Step 2: http:/ /
All players initially use map-defined color in Melee or Top vs Bottom. User can’t select color.
Step 3: http:/ /
When a player quit and other user fills that slot, player color is changed to ‘Random’ color. And ‘Random’ colors are always displayed as black and invisible in minimap.
( In-game screenshot: http:/ / )

I don’t think it is intended to use map-assigned color in Melee or Top vs Bottom game. Please fix it either (1) always make user to select color in Melee or Top vs Bottom game, or (2) fix issue when player fills quitted player’s slot, player’s color set to black unit color and invisible minimap color.

AllRandomAndFixedColor Hunter maps are popular in Korea.
(Downloads: https:/ /!At5gjj1Qhsn46HNKTBXgFWZrM3QA?e=LZladC )
Current SC loads race and custom player color from map for all games, other than UMS game. When playing map with User selectable races in Melee/Top vs Bottom game, player’s initial race is set to User selectable and must choose a race to start the game. Previous version of SC does not have this issue, and races of all players is initially set to Random. Please fix it by setting initial race to Random and always make color selectable or fix black color/invisible minimap color issue in games other than UMS.



It is not necessary to do so. You can use SCM DRAFT 2 to edit default races. You can set inicial race to random on any map for any player.


We can’t open and edit protected maps with SCMDraft2. Currently we can’t even start a game in Melee when map has Inactive race. This is technically incorrect. Previously, initial race settings had been ignored other than UMS and all started with Random race, so there was no initial race problem.

The race pick being mandatory is not a bug, it has been requested several times, I believe for reason of preventing people joining and immidiatelly going AFK.

Can you quote any request which want this? I’ve seen tons of people complaining this and no one desired this manual race selection (It is NOT even real race selection! Every slot remembers the previous race leftover had set ;P)