HunCraft: Genocide

Anyone here played HunCraft? If so, how is it?

I have just found out about it on Youtube and honestly I have mixed feelings. On one hand, the new cutscenes and 3D models look dreadful (I was laughing out loud throughout the supposedly dramatic opening cutscene because of them), the story seems to be a continuation of Brood War’s cringiest aspects and I am not quite sure I see the point of the new units; on the other hand, it looks like the closest we ever got to an official second expansion pack for the original StarCraft and while I do not speak Magyar, the voice-acting looks decent enough.

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There was a fan translation of it not so long ago:

As with literally every RTS campaign, it leaves a lot to be desired in the gameplay department. Unlike a lot of its peers though, it does very obviously have production value, even if the end result of all the manhours wasn’t great to look at. The devs put more effort into it than most, they just wanted to tell a story more than they wanted to make a game.

Yeah I remember playing this campaign almost a decade ago, and couldn’t follow the story whatsoever, though it being in a language I don’t understand didn’t help.

I do like the idea of using the Game’s own campaign format system to add to the “authenticity” of it as an “expansion” pack, though.


Downloads and interesting stuff here:
moddb dot com/mods/huncraft-genocide/news/huncraft-links

from the moddb page:

We are looking for:

  • English reviews about HunCraft (new units, campaign, ...)
  • recorded lan games between pro StarCraft 1 gamers with commentary
  • English videos about the new units (tech tree, armor, attack, cost, hp)
  • old pictures, screenshots about HunCraft, old saves about site

Day[9] should make a walkthrough or a review about this game :slight_smile: