I asked something similar on the SC2 forums and got great resources to learn the game. Since I enjoy the original as well I thought I’d try my luck to get better at that too. I freely admit that I’m no good in any competitive sense (I had to use cheats to get through the campaign) and am looking for resources that will teach me the game with no assumption that I’m any good at all. If there is anything similar to Vibe’s B2GM series for SC1 that would be ideal.
I have no delusions of winning tournaments in a couple months or going to Seoul to use my new Brood War skillz to pick up the one girl at a PC bang or anything equally ridiculous. I believe my goals should be attainable:
1.Beat the campaign without cheating
2.Have a plausible chance of beating the AI on custom maps
Once I can do that I’ll cross the bridge of getting one win in multiplayer. Where would you recommend I start?
Maybe you could take a look at build orders and then you could try analyzing WHY do they work
- The best video to get good for beginners, I’ve no doubt that this is the1, day9 videos is also great, but too long, just watch what interests you from it, when you’ve the time.
- The best ums maps I found myself using most of the time to improve or test things quickly are MacroAlone, Multitask, and BattleSimulator.
- The best practice tool to improve and also have fun, whether you’re a Korean pro or just pro, or even a newbie, some people say its CoachAI.
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