Hey thanks for taking notice


No it doesn’t…

No, firedank, you simply don’t like what you’re being told. You not required to like it, but it doesn’t change reality.

Which then ends your credibility here. Anyone who overtly refuses to see past their own nose isn’t looking for proof of anything, they simply want an echo chambers.

Good luck in where ever your gaming take you.

dude you dont get it lol

if i /w a friend on my friend list on StarCraft he gets a message on his bnet app and vice versa.

I know people not on your flist cant message you this way.

The point is that the message was typed in SC chat and ended up in the Bnet app.
This means they are connected somehow.

If you dont believe me on this i can prove it.

The last thing I said was in jest. Clearly I know SC2 is bigger than BW.
Obviously im a SC fan… To us SC2 is crap.

Do you really think SC runs completely unmanned with absolutely noone in control of it? (genuine question lol)

No need.
I know.
They must be a friend.
I said that.

Confirmation that you just ignore anything I write that didn’t conveniently fit your narrative.

Then why did you bring it up when talking about ignoring disruptive people? You present it as some sort of rebuttal to the game being old and antiquated. You present it as if a second, modern app is tied into the issue:

Not connected to strangers in the game.

All that’s done now is high priority bug fixing, essentially only what is game breaking. There’s nothing or no one at Bliz that is tasked with implementing suggestions, feedback, criticism, etc for SC.

Oh know I knew all along that they had to be a friend. The fact non friends cant message you has been a moot one since the convo started because it doesnt change the fact that the chat is linked to the bnet app.

I brought it up because if SC chat and the bnet are connected thats a possible way to add permanent ignore, Which is my primary objective here. Finding a solution to the problem.

This is the most game breaking thing to happen to SC since username was stealing CDkeys.
I really cant overemphasize how bad this is for the game right now.

They are only connected through friends. SC wouldn’t know that someone is being ignored in the launcher because SC’s and the launcher’s chat are not connected when it comes to non friends. The launcher isn’t connected to non-friends in any of the games. As such, the ignore functions are all found inside the respective games. Even if it was added in the launcher, that functionality would need to be coded into SC.

You don’t understand game breaking. Nothing is stopping anyone from playing the game as intended.

It’s antiquated. It’s going to be primitive. It’s not going to be up to modern standards.
It’s unfortunate that you don’t, or are unwilling to, understand that a retired game isn’t a reflection on anything. Games are retired for a reason.

So in conclusion, the only available solution is to use the in-game /ignore command when you run into disruptive people. Perfect? No, it’s an old game. But it is effective for doing what you want.

Precisely. This means a friend list could be added and when someone sends you a message its a blank.

Game breaking to me also means people are leaving because of a severe bug. This is that dude I assure you.

Its not effective because I teach 5-10 people how to use /ignore every time I play SC.
It also shouldnt be hard to prevent it from resetting on relog, why would it be?

I realize im abrasive and stubborn but I care very much about this amazing game and its diverse and history of indie games as well.
Thanks for being here consistently helping people, I assume you dont have to be.
Know that I mean no disrespect toward you, its on the contrary.

I don’t know what you mean by this.

One’s personal opinion on what game breaking means doesn’t have any bearing on the industry’s, or Blizzard’s definition.

That doesn’t have any bearing if its use is effective or not. It ignores the person. You’d have to teach the same people how to use the perma ignore just the same.

Idk the first thing is just an idea at a possible way to easily add an ignore list.
Basically just another friend list but anyone on this list who sends you a message… you dont get the message.

As you have said before it needs to be mutual friendship so it wouldnt work but maybe there is a way to do it without modifying SC code due to whatever link is making the friend list work with SC in the first place. Idk.

I assume Blizz would be able to do this very, very easily at any rate.


I dont think context matters when its causing people to quit.
I do wanna make something clear - I dont care that the idiot spams me. I care that he is driving people away with death threats. This is a big problem for a small community to deal with.

I tire of having to teach people something that they shouldnt have to worry about because of the lack of something so simple as an ignore list.
I will continue to do it as long as i say people in chat saying please st:fu and then they start getting dmed death threats for it.

Which would require recoding all the games to recognize it. And in the case of SC, it’s not being coded anymore. Careful what you assume. Online games are huge in terms of code and infrastructure. A wide sweeping change to all the games wouldn’t be “very, very easy”.

You’d have to teach people with a perma ignore just the same, so adding an ignore list wouldn’t change that.

I would expect the ignore list to be obvious and easy to find due to the reason it would be added in the first place.
Like you said thouhg careful what I assume. Its a good point but…
The main reason a perm ignore will work is because it will haunt this guy. He will never know how many have his account muted and he will make a new account all the time until he gets sick of it.
I know his type and I know a permanent ignore is the best way to stop him.

Ignoring them on every play session without ever responding/interacting would have the same effect. They don’t know how many have ignored them at any given point in time as long as you don’t respond to anything they say. From their point of view, they are perma ignored based of the lack of responses.

nooo absolutely not. Its why hes here man.
He spams me death threats every relog and not just me lol. He has an entire fleet of bots.

What are you talking about? Yes. If people ignore them in each play session with no interaction, it’s the same effect on the person as a perma ignore. They won’t get what they are after: responses to their trolling. That’s not an opinion or hypothesis. It’s a fact based in reality.

I have to say, you seem to try to avoid logic and rationale whenever it’s convenient.

its a common saying on SC, another day another ignore “barcode name”

It may not seem logical but he has played SC for a very long time and he knows that we cannot permanently ignore him. While this might seem petty to you it is infact a very important detail.
I am absolutely convinced a permanent ignore would end this guys harassment of this community.

So? It’s an old game with antiquated features. Circles and circles…

So? He knows that can be ignored on every play session, which would accomplish the same thing. Circles and circles…

The “I know better” mentality, even when the available alternative could do the same thing. Circles and circles…

I won’t just keep going round and round with you simply because you don’t like what you’re being told.

We are done here. In closing…

it does go full circle huh

And as I already said, by all means do so.

Circles and circles…

Thank you for concretely exemplifying that point yet again.

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I will not let this guy continue destroying SC. I will try to stop him.
let that be the main circle

No one from Blizzard is updating StarCraft anymore. The game’s been abandoned :cry:. You should reach out to Blizzard instead of using this forum, because the chances of being read by a developer are practically null. I’m saying this so that you don’t waste your time. Battle Net has small regular updates, but SC has no development. I’ve been here since a while.
P.S.: Profile pictures are not loading since weeks ago. I’m sure it’s not just me because that’s not my expectation on this forum.

Hey maybe they’ll find themselves in legal trouble one day for blatantly saying we shelved the game and aren’t going to monitor chat one bit. Like as a main target of our spammer friend I got to say you all should be grateful its just almost incoherent one track spam and not the planning of the next columbine or something…