Hello everyone!
I want to feature a couple of great custom Brood War campaigns I’ve learned about:
Brood War Alternate A complete race swap of original StarCraft and Brood War campaigns with new things added.
Brood War: UED AI Project. An overhaul of Episodes 4 to 6 from the Starcraft 1 Campaign, UEDAIP Brood War introduces numerous new units, an entire new race (the UED), new upgrades, as well as new balance, all in order to revitalize the game and offer a better campaign.
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Hey, this post is very old, but I just wanted to throw some more information in here on the UED AI project, or simply “UEDAIP”.
Since the time of that listed Reddit Post, a lot has advanced with the project. The project spans all six episodes of Starcraft and Brood War now - though a few maps in episode 3 might still have some finishing touches in terms of balance on the way, and quashing bugs that pop up is a never-ending process, along with various tweaks and sneaking in the occasional new feature.
The Vanilla Campaigns and the Brood War campaigns use two separate .exe files to play, as the two sets of campaigns use two separate sets of balance changes. There’s lots of instances of Bank Data carrying forward to affect future missions, some very minor, some pretty major. What’s really cool is that, so long as everyone involved is using the same version of the .exe, you can even play UEDAIP Brood War in multiplayer over Battle.net, including playing as the UED!
There’s a Discord link on that reddit page that’s still good, and I myself have a guide in the discord’s Documentation Channel (look for the fire emote reaction!) that goes into some detail on the balance changes, as well as tips and warnings for individual missions. Just beware, UEDAIP is HARD. Hard, but not impossible… though sometimes it can seem that way. But I promise, it is beatable! And you don’t have to be a turbo 300-APM expert to do it! God knows I’m not at that level. Don’t be ashamed if you end up deciding that the mod has beaten you, though - you wouldn’t be the first. Episode 1 is not a gentle introduction, and indeed has some very, very unforgiving missions.
But honestly, I adore this mod, and would love to see more people give it a try.
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