Food for Thought

I am no punisher in front of some computer monitor, yet I done considered becoming an administrator. Your Honor, I gained another follower the moment the lurkers burrowed all over the five boroughs of New Yorkers. I slowly creep up within these sunken colonies, but what for? Homie you never met a monster as handsome as your ancestors. Bet that just to regret that. Except the fact that this sentence hasn’t added up yet. The letters get tangled up in fragments, but the experiment stays fresh as a spearmint.

Back in the days, I had nothing to say. The more games I play, the lanes change to my own dismay. I used to obey, now I shoot and spray. Pray away the sins as I take the first base like where it all begins. Edits? Forget it, complete it in one take without making it repetitive. It’s already competitive, so complicate it with subliminal messages to enhance the sedative experience with some positive passages, but the action became passive.