EUD Replay Saving Support

Hi Blizzard,

Is it technically possible to enable replay saving for EUD maps? I am aware that some euds can cause desyncs in replays, but the majority of EUDs that are in use do not do this. Also, there are plenty of ways for replays to become desynced even without EUDs.

Replays on EUD maps can be saved in 1.16.1 and these can be played back in remastered correctly without desyncs. If you would like some of these replays to test with I can provide them to you.

Is there a technical reason for why eud replays/saving is disabled? Is there any way I can enable this?


A.S: This works only if you intend to play EUD maps by yourself.


One solution to this is to install a Windows OS within a virtual machine that lets you save the state of the machine. Say a Windows OS guest (virtual machine) on a Windows OS host (native OS).

One example of machine state saving is Virtualbox:

, but the thing with Virtualbox is, I think, it won’t let you run Starcraft within it, because, I expect Starcraft would want direct access to the graphics card, which Virtualbox dosen’t supply, even if you’d want to tweak Virtualbox.
So, whenever you’re playing an EUD map, just save the state of the machine, and whenever you feel like playing again, you just have to restore it and that’s it, you’re back to where you left off.

Thus, you’ll need to use another virtual machine solution, I read that Hyper-V or VMware workstation, through tweaking, can get you direct access to the GPU, otherwise known as GPU passthrough in the virtual machines world.

Most of the GPU passthrough solutions that I briefly read about, since I have never done GPU passthrough, require you having 2 GPUs and also require you to run Linux. But there are fewer solutions, called single GPU passthrough, which, as you have guessed already, require only one graphics card.

The thing with these solutions is you also have to meet certain requirements. Requirements as:

  • CPU must support virtualization (I think all modern CPUs do that)
  • motherboard must be able to provide the ability to switch on virtualization of the CPU (I think all modern motherboards do that)
  • and others that I don’t recall right now, so you’d have to google
    Even if you met those requirements, the solution you’d want to go with might work with only certain brands / models of CPUs or GPUs, so do your research beforehand.

So what you’d want to google for for the first instance is “single GPU passthrough windows host windows guest”. Notice, if you go this path, once the Windows OS guest starts, you will lose display to your main (host) Windows OS, when the GPU is in passthrough mode.
If you’d use 2 GPUs solution, then you’d get to keep the display for both Windows OSes (host and guest).

Hope that helps!

This video also covers some of the things I’ve talked about:

The relevant things stop at minute 4:11.