Degraded common campaign AI performance

Dear Classic Games,
I know your resources are extremely limited, but nonetheless I would like to ask you to revert AI changes that negatively affect the gameplay experience in campaigns, melee games versus AI as well as in existing custom maps. In particular, this patch note from patch 8646 - " Fixed an issue with replays involving AI participants, however, replays from July 9th, 2019 - April 7th with AI participants, 2020 may not playback correctly." - highlights how somewhere earlier the AI was changed so that it can cause even the simple Protoss Campaign Insane AI to stop dead in its tracks when it’s done building 7 workers, as it encounters what seems to be a priority issue that it resolves in a significantly degraded fashion compared to its pre-patch performance. Please revert those changes, as they break existing maps and potentially discourage mapmakers from trying to use the AI. Sorry for bothering you and thank you if you at least read this.
Cheers, Nekron


If this is true, then its not a small issue, the campaign specifically might not interest most people and also not all of it depends on Insane AI I guess, but this AI is used by many map maker, I changed Insane AI to Custom AI in v7.4.2 of my Multitask map, I hope its not affected.

Custom AI act exactly like when you play vs computer (melee game type).

Well thats makes the road to a UDAI (User-Defined AI), I mean BWAPI AI support, a little longer. :grimacing:

Generally you shouldn’t use custom AI in UMS conditions since many of its functions rely on the game being in melee state. Also, it is affected like everything else. The only thing that is not affected is mods.