Confederacy/Dominion campaigns?


Does anyone know any good campaigns where you get to play as the Confederates or as the Dominion? I know SC2 has excellent Dominion ones like Shadow of Liberty, almost any Mengsk mission from coop mod as well as reverse campaign and many others, but I want some more for SC1!

So far, I found and played:
-Dominion campaign from campaign creation with the KLF and stuff that introduced Warfield in a great head canon
-Precursor campaign, a classic which I love doing again and again sometimes
-Enslavers (Blizzard made campaign, I need to do this one)
-The StarCraft reverse campaign which mechanically allows you to play as Confederate/Dominion troops sometimes, very very funny and entertaining
-ACMD0 which I unfortunetaly never got to work properly on Remastered as it uses an obscure .exe to run properly
-Life of a Marine, again, a classic I liked

but I know I may be missing more. I especially remember one specific campaign where the first mission got you playing as the Confederacy before switching to the Terran Dominion.

Preferably, I have a thing for Alpha Squadron :wink:

Thanks in advance!

Hereby I recommend you some campaigns I have played:

Tales of Halcyon (2015) by Andrea Rosa.

Enslavers: Special Edition (2020) by Andrea Rosa.

Migration (2020) by RoughRider.

Outsiders (2020) by RoughRider.

Unlikely Allies (2021) by Giacomo Onorati.


Very late reply but thank you very much for your very complete answer. I got to play most of the campaigns you’ve listed and they’re indeed awesome.

Another faction I am a HUGE fan of is the UED.(being dead honest, it is my favorite faction ever, and would have remained so if it existed in SC2…). Besides the official broodwar campaign, are there more missions/fan made content about it?

I admit I hadn’t digged too far into it as the whole BroodWar terran campaign + reverse campaign allows for dozens official UED missions already but I’d love having more too.
I think I had found one at some point but lost the name of it

What about UEDAIP? rebalancing every race and original campaign is one thing but replacing Terran with the UED in Brood War is something else entirely.

It is interesting, because in the original manual each color represented different factions of the different races. I think they had this idea to be implemented, but one thing is to have an idea an other to make it. So, when i went back and read the manuals some time ago, i thought that each color played like in the manual it said, like the ai. But this was not the case.
If you really went further with it you could even implement some kind of bonus for each color based on the lore provided in the manual … Of course this would be a nightmare to balance, but would be fun for singleplayer and custom games. Sadly, all this ideas tossed around before even fishing starcraft 1 never made it other than in the lore, and arts of the artist and writers. Even the coop commanders are somewhat a implementation of these ideas in SC2. Not even SC2 fullfilled these ideas, just sub ideas of it, even though coop commanders enjoyed quite some popularity.

The color factions, the ranks per unit and the 3rd (normal) highground(screenshot in alpha version (yes there is 3rd highground but it doesnt work like the normal ones) are
probably the most missed features, that never were…

It is absurd to me that, people and even some of the developers always complained that there was no way to put a supply system of money stream on the game via these “missing features” and similar and other ideas around the game 25 years or so of ideas.
They didnt bother, because either felt to hard, not enough money, people wanted the game to run of life support so it is kind of free and they can do what they without some corperation looking over,etc. and even people doing the stuff for free, while others complain for nothing are some of the reasons this stuff never took off, i think…

Thanks for your input guys!
If anyone have any other stuff I may be missing, go ahead

EDIT: Just a head up, thanks to a StarEdit forum post I knew I stumbled upon again (I had lost this sometime ago, I’m glad I found it back) and the google sheet they’ve made, I came across numerous cool/okayish campaign, one of which is “UED Victory” by StratosTygo that aims at continuing the original BroodWar UED Campaign by giving it an alternate path where the UED wins.
Not very original and it seems to have been averagely rated but that’s something for sure, I’m glad I found it. Although seeing the ratings I’m afraid Broodwar reverse might have done this scenario better at least at the beginning, I’ll see what kind of head cannon this leads to. I’ll dig deeper in the other campaigns when I can