Command and Conquer Remastared is better (duh)

On one side ‘ye ye its THE RTS’ … and people get salty when things change… i get that.
On the other side: wtf man

There could have been a million quality of life improvements to the game.
As it is i consider this game unplayable (considering modern standards).

Easy example right here in the cast.

  • no zoom function in the regular game? Not even vs AI??
    Ultimate Title Fight: Bisu vs. Jaedong PvZ – StarCraft Remastered - YouTube
  • No waypoint for drones AND regular units at the same time (like in SCII)
  • you can’t set individual waypoints for ZergEggs
  • no mod support of any kind
  • no AI difficulty settings or advanced options
  • no unit AI improvements
  • old UI, which is functional, but that’s about it…

I wouldn’t call this one a remastered.
I call it a … HD-Mod, because that’s what it is. Nothing was added or improved.

Compare the list of changes in Command and Conquer Remastered to the ones in SC1 … its a laugh. It’s not even a competition. [see for urself on YT]
It’s like i try to fight Jaedong using my novice Zerg skills. The only way i last more than 3 minutes is if he decides to toy with me.

Same story here!

Not just does CnC look just as stunning, but it has better sound, better UI, better AI (for harvester/work in progress), mods, custom maps, bonus material you never seen, you get two games for a low price (inkl expansions) and whatnot!

What did Blizzard give us?
… besides ‘Reforged’ … ahem… ok, let’s pretend that one never happened

My point is:

  • SC community has their thumb up their butt…
  • Blizzard the howl hand

SC community doesn’t want their ‘precious’ to change…

Yes! People didn’t like Starcraft much when it was released. Most seem to have forgotten. It was imbalanced it was clunky and only when Broodwar came around (which also has one of THE best RTS campaigns^^) and kicked balance in the butt and introduced new units and abilities - Starcraft took off! - that’ when it became THE gold standard. Previously no one gave two sh*ts.

That’s the tragic truth.

When once change was celebrated, today its feared…
It feels like i live in some sick Warhammer40k universe when playing.
Everyone is afraid to change the status quo so much so they rather let the game rot like a dead corpse than give it a shot and just keep pushing till its GOOD.

Starcraft II also had HUGE issues at the start.
Guess what! Balance happened! Units got introduced, changed, removed, added and re-introduced… one of which is my favorite the Lurker :heart:

(We) fans went nuts! We were the ones to demand those to begin with!

Why wouldn’t we want any LESS!? The game is awesome now!
And it got all those quality of life things that SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN SC1 to begin with!

Does anyone think they would have built the same game if they knew what they were missing out on, if they had known!? Of course not! They were pioneers. They made baby steps… and yet everyone thinks that they discovered the holy grail and god forbid anyone touches it!

Girls. It’s just a f’ing cup. Let’s put juice in it. Who cares!

Point being: re-release the game.

Starcraft - Definitive Edition.

Pro gamer, nostalgics (and those whiny people) can keep theirs…
… but for christ’s sake, let modern, innovation loving gamers have THEIRS TOO.

This could give the franchise new (desperately needed) blood and attention.
I know i would love to play it more active… yet whenever i turn it on, i see what it could have been and what it isn’t.

… the Zerg in me wants this game to Evolve…
(and if you disagree, go eat a bag of spawn broodlings!)

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In your heart, you just think that command and conquest are better than SC.So you are biased from the beginning!
Even Command and Conquer is an HD-Mod,There is no difference from SC,But because you are wearing colored glasses, you just think command and conquer are better.
Finally, I want to tell you, whether it’s the original or the HD mod in your mouth,They’re not worthy of StarCraft,Not as great as StarCraft。
Do you understand?


Oh man. I made a similar post about other improvements. But the ones here are quite good.

I think that for the most part Blizzard put this on the backburner. They got someone to do the Remastered graphics and they got someone to do the other collections, and so now all they have to do is maintain it by doing new seasons and making neat little profile pictures for each one.

I don’t believe very many if any of the original SC team is working on SC:R. The devs currently developing it have maintained the motto of “Keep it the same as old Starcraft”, which is either an excuse so that they need to do nothing OR a reason that drastic changes are not coming down the pipe.

Hell, 2v2 matchmaking can’t even be done for whatever reason. Who knows if they can actually pull any of this stuff off?

It’s disappointing that SC:R is simply an HD mod, and not even a standard mod- it removed the ability to use any other mods, and there’s not much hope of mod support even returning at all.

The AI also won’t get a revamp, at least, it isn’t likely. When I discussed the topic all that really happened was a few people telling me that I could make my own. If blizz made new improvements (like color selection, but look at that- it’s a mess and it took over 20 years to add) that’d be great. (If they could do it without lots of initial issues, that is.)

The general improvements may never come. SC:R is what i would simply call Half Baked. The original sprites are all screwed up with dithering and colors (not really sure how/why that issue came to be) and the other issues like AI behavior make me feel like I am playing a worse version of 1.16.

I really, really wish that Blizz would make some improvements like these, but I find them unlikely.

If you really change the underlying architecture and game engine of SC1 as you said。Then tell me what is the difference with SC2 or SC3?The case of SC2 failure is there!Simply improving the effect of the screen is meaningless。Or StarCraft 1 would have been replaced in the past。

#1 Sure
#2 Play SC2 if you want its features
#3 Never really had a problem there
#4 100% agreed, 1.16 is better
#5 Also agreed
#6 If you mean pathing changes? no nor should it.
#7 There’s nothing wrong with it

I’ll wait a year or so after release before even contemplating buying an EA product and judging it, wanna make sure they don’t slip in some fun “Standard Game Industry BS” first.

What’s this based on? because the game sold like hotcakes back then

Bad argument, SC2 is a pile of **** to this very day.

many of its “Quality of life” changes made the game shallow and more about who can mass a giant nondescript ball better.

Hmm. Where to begin?

First of all, if you like RTS campaigns I would highly recommend you give Command & Conquer a try if you haven’t already. You’ll be surprised how well they hold up. If you’re into competitive RTS…Well let’s just say that looking at the franchise as an esport was a joke long before we were laughing at C&C: Rivals pay-to-win mechanics.

The whole “Don’t break it!” thing with Starcraft Remastered was an emphasis because the game has been in a very good place since the final balance patch in 2001 and there are pro players, streamers, and PC cafes that rely heavily on that stability. But it goes beyond the state of the game; Competitive players were concerned that Blizzard might break it and, despite them deserving a lot of credit, they probably would have. Even if all they wanted to do was take a more ambitious approach to the campaign and mods, we saw happened with Warcraft III Reforged: Getting too ambitious can lead to a bunch of shareholders demanding that an unfinished game gets released.

When it comes to getting more ambitious with Brood War; it’s a little late to update the scope of a game that got released three years ago. And if Blizzard actually was interested in a project like that; Who would make it? Have you noticed how few of the big lead RTS developers are still working at Blizzard? From game design, to UI, to art, to esports, I can count the remaining figures on one hand.

If you want something more than Starcraft II and Starcraft Remastered, you’ll have to look somewhere else. I don’t even mean that in a condescending fashion; It’s reality. Even Starcraft II’s development is limited to some light balance changes each year alongside a couple War Chests, a couple Co-op Commanders, and some occasional announcers despite the people who keep asking for new campaign packs. The Command & Conquer remakes are nice if all you want is single player. Meanwhile, Age of Empires has a few things going for it competitively but not at the level of Starcraft. Then you’ve got some stuff where you hold off endless waves of enemies like They Are Billions or Starship Troopers.

Sorry that your demands haven’t been met and never will be. In the meantime I’m having a lot of fun with both Starcraft games, I’m actually relieved that Blizzard is mostly willing to just leave the remaining developers alone to do their work, and I really don’t care if anyone looks down on me for accepting the franchise for what it is.

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Nice post…

The only problem is most of it are half truths, wish thinking, bias and BS …

First part just cut it boring and doesnt say much …

“There could have been a million quality of life improvements to the game.”

Yeah, indeed,we are still waiting for them … But when you are speaking about life improvments you are talking about the core gameplay experience, and that is something else. Why ?

  1. If you change the core gameplay this game wouldnt be Starcraft Broodwar, the 12 units selection limit, the one rallypoint, the dumb ai and clumbsyness of units are essential to balancing, unit pecularity, Race distinction, different play styles, creativity,etc.

Dragoons, Goliaths, Ultralisk all are around the biggest ground units in the game, one more clumsy than the other, but really powerfull… Try to overcome a ramp or a slim entrance with those units and you will pay the price, that makes them a hard choice, but you still need them. Dragoons against air and to give some damge from the distance against lurker, overlords, hydras,etc.
Goliaths once you learn controll and move them on the map you will be unstoppable against zerg, he can send hundreads of lings they just melt in the face of infintive dps together with overlords and mutas. Ultras the shield to destory the terran bio ball or storm endless siege line. But try to get 20 ultras to kill 2 groups of M and M behind an a little entrance and you will lose.

12 Units may not be much, but it restricts players just like the hotkeys on buildings to use their attention accordingly, A thing that creates and supports different player styles and focuses Marco and Micro players. And differentiates the game itself from games like Starcraft 2. What about the rallypoint ? Well it is the game and it is just fun to even see Pros neglect their hatching workers running to the front line in middle of most important engagments to see that they also cant micro everything, or see them fall apart …
In any way these things dont hinder the gameplay and the game, but make the player use his creativity and skill to his/ her most potential, using anything to get a small advantage. There is a saying in the starcraft broodwar community " Who makes the first and least mistakes" that pretty much sumes the game up. There will allways happening some S. but you try to manage and look foward, just like life. You get better in the game there is so much depth in broodwar and “fixing the game” would destroy the depths, skill needed, traits of units and the game itself.
Depth? "what are you talking about? "
Well, there is so much but let me give you an example …
So there are different commands… How do you sho the fastess? just attack right click on enemy ?
hold positon makes your unit shot faster than normal attack command, but the next shots will slower in comparision to Stop command that makes your first shot slower thand hold, but the next shots faster than hold …
If you use mutas, stacked mutas to be precise, you use hold position to spread the damge under more units…

THere are so many examples, where broodwar is unique and supposed flaws make the game actually better. You select an overlord with larva and press Stop command all larvas go to left side … Used to hatch worker nearer minerals or gas, to block entrances with eggs, etc.

Now the point iam most concerned with, specially since people seem to think for some odd reason, that newer / “improvements of life” as you call them make the game somehow better or more fun…
There is no denying that somethings can improve the general experience, and some have been even to starcraft, thinking of Starcraft Remastered itself the custom hotkeys a thing that already was there(But not in the game, but third party programms) with 1.16.1. and before and was an improvement indeed, specially for new players. But to Dump the hole gameplay on some bottom, so you can move your hole army with one click changes the game complety, specially since this is already a game, before your person joined the club, and since you visible dont have a clue what you talking about since you have not tried to understand why things are the way they are, and why they work or dont work. The oversimplfication of games makes them movies, and as such not game anymore. If you want to just see the big battles or engaging gameplay, watch games, find sombody that plays like you want, programm a custom AI (many have done), or find yourself a teammate that is good and makes the most effort while you enjoy the show.

Perfect movement changes the hole dynamic of the game, just look at Sc2, in Broodwar you feel what you are controlling and it costs, in Sc2 you set it up and the formation stays more or less the same … They are two different games…
And for my taste it is strange when the Ai does everything perfectly, why are you even there? Are you playing or just watching ? Why dumb it all until there is nothing leFT what is than the differnce between the one game and the other ? The FIfa problem i call this.

Now everything you write on SC2 is questionable…
It is no secret that the community of SC2 is all but no complain …
With every patch changing stats, putting units in or out, or in or out…
Changing it to the point where nobody knows anymore why changes are made, and why certain things couldnt stay. On of the big problems why old players have hard times to rejoin in that regard at least. And just as the broodwar community, the SC2 community are big mouths chicken shouting with every new introduced unit or unit taken away, only that in broodwar it is about Flash taking random or not, or colors to be left out, or Newcommers joining wating to change the hole game because the first thing when visiting a new country is, change your hole culture… I call it the american way …

And how is the low player count + proxy robo meta “Awesome” ? Dont even streamers like Beast,etc. complain about the focus on proxies/ rushes in tournaments ? Just that caster tournament…

“And it got all those quality of life things that SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN SC1 to begin with!” And this sentence just makes no sense at all…
Since the orginal developers faced technical barriers, even the Remastered devel. and since it would change the game i cant be SC1 … So this statement is BS… In every possible aspect…

Missing out Watching movies, but i want to play … YEah they would have …
Discoverying of new things and about the depth, oh yeah they would have loved to not destroy Starcraft broodwar, the game they actually created, not Whatever game you are talking about …
Well, the holy grail of E-sports pretty much … And, yes please dont grabe the game, Mr. President.

Re-release = Ultimate LAGG … They cant even fix old problems like the old games in custom joining menu, so how would they create Starcraft - Definitve not Starcraft Broodwar ?

IF Starcraft 2 has all what you want, why do you need an other Starcraft 2 ?
If you want the old limping dragoon, just play modded starcraft 2 … IAm sure there is some modd for you …

How is talking about things you dont have a clue “innovative” ? I mean modern it surely is …

So you want Starcraft - Defintive not Starcraft broodwar, for your Battle,net library, to deny others the fun ? Or to not let it spread its wings? :slight_smile:
Would you also make useless posts in forums for “what was and is not anymore”?

Evolve to starcraft 2 ? It is already there… And THe map Evolves also already exists, now that i think of maybe the thing that you wanted the most in the game complety for you …

I disagree, but when i went to eat the broodlings… They already were dead …