Carbot > Team MM

nice priorities blizz


it wasn’t code related thing so who cares


So an art teams developing assets to be loaded instead of the defaults is somehow the same as the networking teams who has to develop ways to get 100’s of players synced up and playing smoothly?

Nice acting-like-you-know-anything-about-anything-here-on-the-outside Odin.


Its highly unlikely that they are completely removed from the change and its solely handled by the “art teams”.
Inserting change into production takes resources.
We’re coming up on 2 years since remaster launch, and team match making is still no where to be seen. Meanwhile the blizzard marketing team is trumpeting new art and skins…
His point stands.


It’s always fun when people throw this stuff around.

For the record: Artists aren’t involved with matchmaking, the Carbot assets use the existing functionality as switching between standard and remastered graphics with F5, and bringing in money is a good thing if you want the game to receive further developmental resources.


OF course it takes resources and that there’s intermingling. However, development is arranged in teams. UI, coding, QA… they all have to work together. But you don’t think that the art team that has to be at the base of the process is the the same team that is at the base of the matchmaking? You don’t think that the match making team dropped doing that while they switched hats to develop skins?

Hmm… yet right here, and on youtube, blizzards DEVELOPMENT team has been trumpeting team matchmaking along with all the challenges they are facing… challenges that are wholly separate and far wider reaching from loading different skins.

No, the point is still solely conjured up from a position of not knowing enough to make such claims.

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Blah blah blah.
2 years with no team ladder, and we’re talking about skins and artwork. Nobody that’s been playing this game for the last 20 years gave half a rip about graphics to begin with.
Give us the meat and potatoes before the ice cream and sprinkles.


Sticking your fingers in your ears is definitely one way to discredit yourself.


Beast, you talk a lot, but say little. Hence me mocking you.
Blizzard stock price speaks for itself – out of touch with their customer base. Clearly Starcraft has little to do with this, but its the same leadership.
I can only hope that we get the priorities worked out. I don’t mean to attack developers here, as i don’t think they’re responsible for the decisions that have been made. But, right now it takes more time to search for a game that’s worth playing you can spend playing it.


You cant just ignore that which doesn’t support you. I right out said that the departments are separate, meaning skins aren’t going to take time or resources away from matchmaking. Relevant and accurate to the thread.

Hence, add fabricating whatever supports your position out of thin air to your self discrediting list.

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I thought we only had white knights that worship every decision Blizz make in WoW forum, never expected to see them here. Rich made a strong point here. Stability first, cosmetics last not vice versa. If you’re defending devs it’s good, I myself truly appreciate the small teams dedicated work and know they got so many tasks for future. I’m not bursting shots for them but to greedy Activision/Blizz. My question is how the hell Carbot skin which came from foreign game (SC2) and made for kindergarten can bring players back, how? So Carbot > 2v2? Some of you posters seriously need to check your heads before posting nonsense here. Player base is dying and ppl left because tons of players expected 2x2 at launch and they tired waiting, isn’t it obvious? You don’t even need proof, just login and see it for yourself: US West is barely alive with 800-1000 online, EU same (at nights it’s as low as iCCup now, about 200-300), I’m not even going to talk about US East.


  1. DLCs
  2. Skins
  3. Voice packs
  4. Achievement system


  1. New Campaigns (at least add official “Insurrection” and “Retribution” campaigns, they were decent)
  2. Old campaign improvements (adding unused/deleted missions, adding more difficulty options just like in SC2, f.e. brutal)
  3. Fixing old SD graphics so they will look as sharp as they were before on 1.16.1 + SD Widescreen (Kreygasm)
  4. 2x2 ladder
  5. Less lag (nevertheless I appreciate the devs work they put into it so far)
  6. New editor (they said they’re not going to ship StarEdit anymore, so they need to implement SCMDraft)
  7. New freaking tilesets (I can’t even imagine how happy this can make all of us. If they can add Carbot skins no problemo, then why art team just not work towards it? They added some couple ramps so they need to move on).

Cheers! Let’s not argue and continue beating the dead horse. Remember, this game kept alive so many years by community, by korean esports and magically survived. Let’s make BROODWAR great again!


Shocked at how many people are moaning about this.

I on the other hand found this to be quite a treat.



Huge IMPORTANT point that people are missing here. Development is not free. People are going to say " they are blizzard, they make mad amounts of money! " Yeah, from other sources like merch, expansions, SKINS!.

BW makes literally no money… non at all…

So for those who are hoping for quick patches, i suggest you get used to the idea that this is actually a good thing and any other BW related stuff that they want to sell to the fans.

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“Hoping for quick patches” = Game has been out two years, so noone expects that.Team matchmaking was promised by the end of last year.People have been waiting a long time so don’t patronise them.


Clearly you dont read the forums. Open your eyes bud. Got to teamliquid.

Blizzard charges 80-100,000 for big tournaments.They charge pc bang owners an hourly rate for remastered (was flat for bw).They make plenty from the game.

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I would be interested in sources if you have any, because this sounds almost as bad as when they meddled with kespa during SC2’s launch.

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Right that was specifically their intention. Pull your head out of your butt bud. The world isn’t out to get you.

Post that article btw, i would like to read it.

You can’t post links in this forum.

But…follow your own advice.Go on teamliquid.Go to the BW ‘information from Korea’ thread.Go to page 33.Read posts from KHJ, follow the links, if you can read Korean news sites.

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