Can't join public games, game crashes when using blizz chat

Can’t join public games, game crashes when using blizzard desktop app for chat/messenger. I am able to host games and people can join. I uninstalled blizzard and starcraft. Still not working.

Don use the blizzard app … change settings for when you open starcraft it auto closes the launcher

not really a fix…I still can’t join public games. also when i whisper to friends and recieve messages from some friends their name and my name appears as “???”.

Are you in the expansion multiplayer, there is no one in the orginal multiplayer…
Further to your friends maybe you are not logged in battlenet in the same region the battlenet app nor the gateways inthe multiplayer…
Furthe kind of hard to help with no screenshots can you provide, or something that may give some information to work with…

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