Can't connect to server

Looks like I’m having the same issue. Anyone hear anything on the timeline for fix?

Mismo problema aquí en Colombia.

tengo el mismo problema no carga los settings y me bota a la primera pantalla para crear un usuario nuevo pero tambien quiero crear uno y me dice error 3:13 pero hago click en west y hay 305 conectados y en korea mas de 1000

cant connect to server. failed to log in. nothing seems to make it work. help?

So far the only way to play is by using Shield Battery

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battlenet down on thanksgiving, what a time to be alive


Guys chill out they all are out of town for Thanksgiving Vacation.
Hopefully they come back before Christmas

Same problem… (Chile)

You nerds should take this opportunity to shower and possibly clean soda cans/piss jugs from desk.


What are you doing here? Take a shower, nerd

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same here this sdux lol

im pretty sure the llllllllllllllll barcode guy hacked the server and put it down.
he was threatening to do it for a few hours prior.

Confirmed by blizzard admins he indeed hacked server.

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so,what can we do?only prefer sc1,not sc2 or sc3.

I paid good money in 1999 for the battle chest from London Drugs for this game ! no way it is discontinued

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It’s back up here in the states.

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Confirming the issue has been fixed here.

Where did you read this?

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