I just bought Remastered + Cartooned. I’ve tried both, and I am not able to set a command center rally point to a mineral field on either. This seems to be the case for original and brood war. I never had this problem on the legacy side (i.e. before upgrading to remastered).
Is there any way to fix this?
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While you can in original starcraft, brood war, and remastered set a rally to a mineral field, auto-mining has never been a thing. So if the issue you are explaining is no auto-mining, it never existed in original or remastered. If there’s a problem setting a rally make sure you have the building selected and are right clicking or hitting r+left click.
It’s possible to fix via modding. I did that in my project as a quality of life fix among others; to be precise, it is possible to make the rally point action execute a “right click” if it’s set on a unit, so not only would workers mine resources, but terran infantry from barracks would enter bunkers, and zerg units spawned from hatcheries could be set to auto-enter a nydus canal). In straight, unmodded game however… you/we are S.O.L.
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Hey dickalicious. Please ignore these guy(s) saying “auto-mining wasn’t in the original!” Yeah, the original DID have automining… I played the original and we had it… I dunno who these guys saying otherwise are.
Maybe zoomers trying to earn “old school gamer” cred, so if they see something busted, they think defending it gets them “veteran gamer” cred or something. Or maybe it’s a blizzy diehard fan who can’t admit blizz messed up. I like Blizzy games too, they were part of my childhood, but this is a mistake. OR maybe they just don’t remember it right.
Regardless, you’re not alone. I also find this problem to really hurt the game. It’s an old game, it’s got flaws, there’s points where the game can feel like a chore, but I enjoyed it~. Great game~.
But we had auto-mining… You’re remembering it right.
The game wasn’t THAT tedious.
Confirmed with a couple other OG SC players IRL too. We had auto-mining.
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Do you know where one might find a mod like this? I’d really like to have auto-mining back.