Unlikely Allies is a custom campaign made by Giacomo Onorati in 2021.
Mission 1 - “Surprise Party”: I attacked by mistake the purple Zerg in the beginning. This mission is fine, although the arrival of reinforcements is a bit strange.
Mission 2 - “Where It All Began”: The enemy was easy to beat, even though it was using the Difficult AI. Probably the mission was easy due to the map size, allowing the player to attack with heroes early in the game. It also included Gateways controlled by Terrans (no High Templar).
Mission 3 - “The Flannum Installation”: It’s fun to leave the installation confronting the Zerg waves. I like search and escape missions. There’s a good terrain design, which looks realistic.
Mission 4 - “Death From Sky”: This one was very difficult to me. I don’t see a chance of using the geyser on high ground, near the Cerebrate. There’s some use of Dark Templars and Gateways again like in mission 2, which is nice.
Mission 5 - “Icebreaker”: I’m gonna quote the first lines, from Kerrigan “You did a good job with those Emitters, gentlemen. I was beginning to believe you were killed by the remaining Zerg on Chau Sara…” My first impression was that she’s worried about Raynor and Fenix, judging by the choice of words and considering the lack of voice acting. Right after, Raynor solves the ambiguity by saying “Don’t complain, Kerrigan[…]” But the objectives seemed strange, since there wasn’t a micro mission next. Anyway, it wouldn’t have been nice to play an Installation map with 6 Dragoons and Fenix. Nothing much to say.
Mission 6 - “Drawing the Joker”: Good idea for a mission. Reaching the center of the map before the Zerg, having just enough time.
Mission 7 - “Wind of Freedom”: The mission briefings highlight the problems Raynor and Fenix were facing while helping Kerrigan. They were obviously making a huge mistake, which was the spine in BW story. Unfortunately, my hybrid Omegalisk got blinded during game. I like the desert map as the last mission and the use of green color for one of the Zerg enemies.
It has been fun to play the missions. I liked in general the topic of the campaign, and how it focused on explaining the use of Psi Emmiters. A lot of creativity put into the campaign.
The terrain layout is very good most of the times, but there should have been more gameplay design; for example, in mission 6 I would rearrange the Zerg bases in a more realistic way. I would change the story for mission 5 as well, because the way it was presented doesn’t fit well in canon.
My score: 6 out of 10.