[bug] In-game ladder is broken (not updating since 8/1)

The in-game ladder shows data from Thursday, August 1, 2024 11:44:05 PM. It’s meant to synchronize every 5 minutes (as displayed in the in-game ladder UI).

Players ranked after that date cannot find themselves on the ladder.


fix that right now (flash back plz)

Please fix this issue ASAP!

Yoooooooooooo fix
We need this!

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Hello??? Blizzard???

sad, it’s already been a week

come on blizzard! Get the ladder fixed please!

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blizzard please fix it ASAP !!! What are you doing???

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blizzard! fix your mistakes please!

Hey all,

Can you check the updating again? Is it working better now?

It seems to be fixed. CWAL.GG site also appears to be fine.


It works now thank you!

Though, if I may please say something and I believe I am speaking on the behalf of the wider community. Could you please test any ladder changes that you decide to rollout going forward? It really doesn’t seem that complicated to make sure that basic services are working as expected.

Over the past few ladder resets, you managed to mess up the updating, introduce a bug with flying units, failed to update the map pool, failed to deploy the map pool to the user clients, made joining custom games more difficult, introduced bugs that cause game crashing when whispering people from your friend list, and made sending friend requests sometimes not to work as intended.

Credit where credit is due, you managed to step up and fix a lot of your mistakes within a few weeks after introducing them, but frankly if every ladder reset would feel like a bug whack-a-mole where we chase you to make the game playable again, I would rather not have anymore ladder resets going forward.

Either make sure the game works after changes, or open source the game to the community, like you did with SC2. There are plenty of experienced and passionate developers who would appreciate that gesture.


Unfortunately, I’m not Blizzard.

But, to speak on the points you brought up, understand that the game is retired. There aren’t dedicated teams developing or even watching over SC1 anymore.

There isn’t anyone to test or QC changes. Issues have to be retroactively addressed by staff from the other franchises, and only when their own franchise’s priorities allow. And some issues are sometimes deemed minor enough that they are never fixed.

I understand the frustration. SC2, which is also retired, has a ladder problem as well that’s been going on for over a year, which means it’s likely never going to be fixed.

It’s unfortunate, but it’s the grim reality of retired games.

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Thanks for your reply and the honesty. I understand that the game is retired which is why I said it would be nice if someone who had the voice of the community like yourself pass along to the people responsible for ladder resets that the game is currently in good enough state.

And, especially, if a new season doesn’t mean new maps, we would rather have a neverending ladder season than risk potentially breaking any functionality by rolling out the next iteration which is just a number reset at this point.

Still, I’m grateful for your contribution. I don’t know if you had any powers to persuade some devs to look into this or you simply reported when you noticed the issue was fixed, but regardless, community members like you have done more for this game and communicating with the player base than any blizzard employee recently so that is very much appreciated.

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I wonder if there is any chance Blizzard would be willing to turn over Starcraft Remastered to a Korean company for maintaining the Ladder and updates as its still very popular in Korea. Even a small reasonable yearly fee charged to players to cover their expenses ($5 - $10) and possibility to finally have 2v2 and 3v3 Ladder matchups would jump onboard with for sure!

There’s the ShieldBattery project that’s already doing that. They have their own ranking system, 2v2 matchmaking is there too, and only 3v3 matchmaking is about to come out, out of the ones you mentioned. They have much more than these features, as stated on their page:


So Blizzard should definitely get in touch with them.

I know they fixed the flying SCV bug from some years ago before Blizzard got to fix it. Only someone really passionate would do that really quickly.