Blizzard truly is China's play thing

Just got a bunch of Chinese text while I was messing around in game telling me I’ve played too much or something along those lines. Really Blizzard? Just letting all the updates for one of the countries that has some of the worst human rights violations run everything for money? Pathetic.

https:// imgur. com/a/qZw5Bpv


I was freaking out on this too. Glad I am not alone with this. wtf is wrong with this chinese message on the left top every hour? am I hacked ?

Uh, no. It defeats the purpose of spyware and other forms of hacking if they let you know they’ve broken through. The message is some sort of notification for the Chinese version that NetEase distributes telling the player that they’ve been playing too long without a break. Somehow the recent patch added a message that was just for the Chinese version and also messed up a few other things like chat scrolling. It will likely require some sort of hotfix.

But, no. The Chinese government is not attempting to infiltrate all the other regions of the world to tell them that it might be time for a break.


I agree it sucks, but you trendies don’t mind when Google, Apple, Facebook and so on lie to you, use you and manipulate your data in order to enrich themselves… grow a pair.


“But, no. The Chinese government is not attempting to infiltrate all the other regions of the world to tell them that it might be time for a break.”

lmao keep telling yourself that


I think it’s reminders from the game telling you to take breaks every so often.

This is an online video game, this is not Human Rights Watch.

As far as I can tell, the issues from the patch have been fixed. I’m having fun watching this topic continue though.

I was reading Moataz’s comment about racism and Islam, but he suddenly got banned and the comments disappeared :confused:.
He was confusing two different discussions as if they were the same: Whether advertising is good or wrong, and whether his advertised Coach AI is good or bad.

The guy seems to get himself kicked out of social media communities pretty regularly.

Regardless, the Chinese message about exceeding an hour of playtime seems to have gone away for everyone and the panic has died down. We’ll see if there’s a more successful update on the way. You have to figure that Season 9 is nearing its end.

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Adver-whaaat :astonished:, jinjin is that you again?? :joy: man can’t you please stop following me and leave me alone, please, you did that already in about 5 discords b4 and I hang you up every time, Blizzard please close this, how is this topic title even allowed :thinking:, freedom of speech ? :rofl:.

I’m not Jinjin. And I’m not following you.

I know, but you act like him, so I needed to make the joke, this is a hard-work and amazing game-changer/replay-changer project for SC1, if you don’t see that… don’t use it, but don’t spread lies or your misunderstanding about it to damage the developer/project reputation, bc this will make you a troll.

If you or any1 else have an issue with it, you can open it here:

  1. Issues · captain-majid/CoachAI · GitHub

Enjoy StarCraft1 the way you like, and let the others enjoy it the way they like.

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Why assume the one hand, when one gives you the other hand ?

The World isnt black and white, the people are angry with those cooperations and call it out. The problem is that because of goverment interventions and the the fact that those companies already controll, the best most accessable software ,technologies. The people cant just let them down.