Blizzard says Team Match Making is right around the corner!

This dev update is from June 15, 2018.

We all have been waiting patiently, is there any updates or can somebody officially say that Blizzard has abandoned this promise?


Due to Team 1 (which contained the original Classic Team) being dissolved about a year ago, and since then there’s been no indication that anyone has been developing SCR since, it’s quite possible that everything that didn’t make it into the game won’t make it in, including team matchmaking.

I can’t imagine it being released with out Grant Davies pushing for it.

Still, an actual statement from what’s left of Classic Games would be a nice way to finally lay it to rest.

I didn’t have a chance :confused: to say :confused: goodbye :cry:.

There is no classic team anymore. Grant is working in another company afaik from Twitter. So there will be no team matchmaking ever. We can be happy if the servers are running and they reset the ladder from time to time. But this isnt Blizzard anymore its Activision. They dont care about SC:R.

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i don’t believe that to be true, i think that is entirely posible that they make a “DLC” for SC Remastered with Bwapi and Team Match making and some other stuff, we are just not on the main product cycle of Blizzard, but eventually when they revisit the SC franchise they will find all this kind of posts and make their own research about what we want. Its quite simple really:

  1. Make RANK more reasonable , allow people to have smurff account, but if they play they will play vs people of their higher account specially if they smurff with their main race. If you want to kill N00BS then purchase another account. Particularly fix the way we lose and win points in RANK is not fair to lose 30 points when we play someone with 500 more MMR and also is not fair to only win 8 points when we won someone 500 MRR higuer. Basic thoughts. Also please allow the people with free accounts to play in Team Match Making, they wont get RANK points, only traditional melee points, but let them join.

  2. Release Team Match making, no need for a BIG new system, just do like classic rooms, classic CUSTOM rooms but “official”, people should be able to search for 1v1 games while you are in that room, leave or invite friends. The “balance” system should be fair and there has to be a system to punish ally attack aka backstabbing and leaving. People should NOT lose points like a regular match, and get more points if a 2v1 match is won. Also allow the community to officially help the Team Match Making map pool to be created and sustained. Blizzard needs to implement Shared Bases also, as random start Team Match Making will NOT be enough. As above allow people with the free account to play on the Rank Team Match making, they wont get official points, but make the player base bigger.

  3. Please release BWAPI and other AI related frameworks, make it easy to use, drop in a folder and load OFFLINE, make it available for the people with the free version with certain constrains like they can only play super hard AI. Also allow the community to build better AI for the campaing and for trainning (only for the payed version).

  4. Please allow people to understand when a season will end and start, the map pool (at least one map) should be defined by voting, and that should be inside the Game, similar to the veto people should vote for one map or more for the next season, the other should be picked by the Community Manager BUT with close understanding of the meta, balance and tournaments being played, but is strongly recommend to include the community in voting AT LEAST one map giving the call that “the season is coming soon vote for your map” and people will be hyped, re install, feel included etc. Also it would allow tournament creators and content creators aka streamers to prepare their tournament beforehand with more ease.

  5. Please if possible invest in STUNT servers and CDN`s for Starcraft, UDP packages are being lost all the time just because of simple desyncs between regions, this is a 4 Billon dollar company and honestly? those are the same server side solutions that people from Diablo 2 will ask as soon as its released. So better work on it asap.

  6. Please release new content at least 2 or 3 times a year, new consoles, new purchasable portraits (fix the portrait problem), new skins (cartoon was awesome), new commentators for west etc.

Please this game is only played but about 30.000 k worldwide, i understand that this is not a business by any means, but Blizzard is not having a good branding moment is like they are trying to break Blizzard and destroy it so they can acquire all of its Intellectual Properties, PLEASE while community managers and Blizzard staff are able to fight from the inside DO IT please, lets not lose the good will of the community. The falling of Starcraft as small as it might seem will mean a DISASTER.

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i can’t wait for that update , in the near future xd

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Due to Team 1 (which contained the original Classic Team) being dissolved about a year ago, and since then there’s been no indication that anyone has been developing SCR since, it’s quite possible that everything that didn’t make it into the game won’t make it in, including team matchmaking.

so about a year ago was 2020.

This video is from 2018. so for 2 years before team was dissolved, why didnt it get put in? Seems like the team getting dissolved is not the real reason and just fluff talk. Afterall, a new team could easily be put on.

The fact remains, a big promise of multiplayer matchmaking was used to sell 10s of thousands of copies of this game and after they got the money they failed to deliver. Blizzard, activation, doesn’t matter who owns it now. This just signifies distrust in a company. Only thing we can all do now is not to trust Blizzard/Activision and anything they say and not to purchase their products

Just be happy Brood War has a ladder. Wc3 Reforged doesnt even have a 1v1 ladder or profiles after nearly 2 years of release. What a sad state of affairs.

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In late 2019, Grant posted that they had made progress, but that they still hadn’t received all the help they needed from other Bliz dev teams to implement team matchmaking. In the post, he officially pushed it to 2020, which was the year that Team 1 was dissolved. So no, not fluff talk.

An entire development team wasn’t eliminated just so that a new one could be put back in its place. SC2 had reached end-of-life and Heroes was scaled back and had its esports division shut down. Team 1 was eliminated because it wasn’t wanted anymore.

If SCR’s development is going to restart again, chances are that VV and/or Team 3 will be assigned to it. However, they have D2R to polish first, and it’s likely that they will move to the WC3R mess before returning to SCR. And that’s if Bliz wants WC3R or SCR done at all.

You must be new around here because, with that assertion, you seem to have picked up the WC3R mentality and are attempting to retroactively apply it to SCR.

Those who were present when SCR was in full swing knew that SCR’s team meant what they were saying. If there was a team that made it clear that they wanted big things for SCR, it was Grant’s team. There’s a post from Grant in Apr of 2019 that showed the master list of all tasks (~40 of them) ranked by priority (P1-P4). By the time of his post, more than half of the list was completed and they were all P1 and P2 tasks.

Never in my time on these forums have I ever seen the actual development team (not CMs) constantly posting and communicating with the community. I’ve never seen such engagement and caring for what the community was saying.

The week before Blizzcon 2018, I met the SC2/SCR team in Irvine. Part of that day was a roundtable discussion that included Matt, Grant and the lead network engineer. I got to see everything they had in the pipeline, including things they had not yet revealed to the public. So, no, O07craft, they were not all talk.


Grant spent more time on his personal side project than he did developing SCR.
His Twitter account told me that, and that’s why he was fired.

All well and good, but there was an entire team behind Remastered. And each human being on that team had lives outside of Bliz, just like every other human being on the planet.

Besides, it wasn’t the Classic team that was stalling team matchmaking. It was the needed help from other dev teams that wasn’t coming as fast as hey wanted. So what other facets of life anyone, not just Grant, had it really doesn’t have any bearing on SCR.

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We can agree to disagree I guess.

The only thing i can say about this as someone that studied corporate communications and worked several years in this topic is that Blizzard is underestimating the power of brand perception when ignoring his old intelectual properties and making the least effort to push them and better them.

What happens is that the people Blizzard is pushing apart are already building adults, we are roughly between 25 to 45 years old being the people that are closer to 40 more powerful both on acquisitive power and brand perception influence, meaning that if nothing is dont to please this niche of people it will backfire, because this people will have A LOT more influence than what Blizzard realize in the market in the next 10 or 15 years. Blizzard is to eager to please a new generation of players which represents a generation of players without gamming identity, they come and go, test games and leave. WE ARE LOYAL and we are feeling disrespected and betrayed, the failure that WC3 Remastered was, the problems with Diablo 2 Remastered servers, Starcraft Remastered lacking the effort and money to making it a lasting product. What is next?. how far can Blizzard go into stabbing their old player base?, do they realize that Blizzard BRAND perception is going to the floor by the generation that made Blizzard possible?.

Huge Mistake.

Team Match Making is not a matter of a “feature that could or could not be developed” if “there was or not a team at some point” NOWBODY CARES, we want attention NOW we deserve attention, this is the BEST RTS OF ALL TIME no more no less, imagine how many indie and smaller companies of more than deserving individuals would like to have the opportunity has to please this community, this generation of faithful and loyal players. We will remain with SC until we are death and Blizzard should remember who we are and why we are here.

A little respect for the people from which you have the company you now depend of. Companies that forget about their customers and DNA will pay the worst price on the long run.

many such cases from nu-blizzard!