Any plans about balance buff for some unused units like Scout, Ghost and InfTerran or unused skills like Flare or Nuclear Missile?? I would also like to see minerals on fog of war cuz I dont know or dont remember most of maps, its unfriendly for new or returning players lol.
Im back after some years break, Im thinking some balance tweaks (eg ZvZ mu) would be good for the game and player base, there is still PTR ver for the reason.
Hey ZorKA,
Unfortunately not for two reasons.
The foremost is that SCR ended development over four years ago. Meaning there is no more work being done on the game.
The second is that during SCR’s development, the various current and former pros all recommended that no balance changes or quirks fixes be made in order to preserve the game as it is, and Bliz agreed.
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Very, very sad, SCR has huge potential to be Top3 RTS game again with some tweaks.
I had some hopes after M$ bought Blizz that they invest some resources in SCR how they invested in AoE2 but is seems SCR is only for small nostalgia factor.
Prof players shouldnt be listened too seriously cuz they care about their money, they trained their skills perfectly with timings to current meta so every change would force them to relearn again, also there were many game fixing scandals iirc (eg Savior) or current crypto scandal (Flash). They care about their money more than for the game.
SC1? Amongst the genre as a whole? Not likely. To even approach that, it would need a whole lot more.
Listening to the non pros isn’t a good idea either when it comes to balance. And, QoL changes wouldn’t affect pro performance/money.
However in this case, it wasn’t a matter of money or anything like it. It was the opinion that SC1 was perfect the way it qwas. That for its time in RTS history, it deserved to be preserved as the forerunner it was. Let the modern (at the time) SC2 be the game that is tweaked and modified to keep up with modern times.
They still might. It’s fairly early in the acquisition.
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It wasn’t just pro players. Among the community that continued to stick with Brood War, there was an overwhelming opinion that the game was already in a good place and that not only wasn’t it necessary to make changes to balance and gameplay, but that they didn’t trust Blizzard to follow through and fix anything that the changes broke. There were some exceptions like widescreen, customizing hotkeys, and allowing more moving objects on screen at once but that was about it.
Under the new ownership, Blizzard has been doing some QoL and graphical updates to Warcraft 1 and 2 as well as continuing to work towards fixing what they broke in WC3. These do include some changes to controls and unit groups for WC1 and WC2 but the games still play mostly the same.
If the current Blizzard leadership does decide to invest a little more in SC1, I still don’t think they’d be making gameplay changes. There still isn’t a demand for it in the community and there is also a lack of developers with experience in the gameplay mechanics of either StarCraft title. I’d expect that the changes that they would be looking at would involve some of the features that were started under the old Classic Games team but not completed, like team matchmaking and more cosmetics. But even that seems like a long shot at the moment.
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From what I see current WC3 balance is tons better than pre FailForged Blade Master meta. Balance team did good job.
I know BW is well balanced game, but some balance tweaks would make it perfect, some units and spells needs some love, its not that hard to see for typical SC players what is unused and unpowered, streamers and many players say the same things: Scout, Ghost, Devourer, Infested Terran explode, Medic spells, Nuclear Missile supply and costs, Spores dmg type - all these changes are universal.
Ghost buff would help in TvP where P is favored, the same Scout buff would help in PvZ where Z is highly favored. Just saying.
Before they touch the current balance I second the thought that they need to work on getting 2v2 and 3v3 matchmaking done which everyone was looking forward to for SC Remastered.