Ask for ladder map change

I know the ladder map has been changed again

Rather than unconditionally using the ASL map, please use the map you originally tried to change for general users

Because ASL maps have maps for certain races every season

There are still a small number of Star 1 ladder users, but if the race balance collapses due to the difficult map, the number of users may decrease even more

Users who enjoy it lightly don’t play games if the map is difficult

I Recommend Vermeer, Circuit Breaker(Fighting Sprit), allegro, Polypoid, invader, neo dark origin(Retro), apocalypse

Please keep that in mind

1 year not enoght? what the hell…

That’s why it’s more of a problem

We have to use a map that has a broken race balance for a year

If the map pool is not updated frequently, it is dangerous

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