Are racial comments okay on battlenet?

Today I was playing versus a Korean and when I didn’t say anything, he started calling me Skinhead the whole game and kept telling me quit the game. While skinhead is not necessarily a racial comment, he was calling me a Russian and that I should start earning money and that Russia is a poor country. Thus, this guy was clearly using the terms with ill intent. I wanted to ignore this guy but this guy ID was something like 123sadadsadasds and it was hard for me type his ID to squelch him (Some of us have asked admins for immediate squelch options for this reason).

So I would like to ask admins this question: Would Blizzard do anything about this guy? Is it okay to make such comments against a specific race or country? I know that the admins are busy and please leave me a reply so that I can shoot back at these kinds of people with same level of respect. I am not a Caucasian myself but regardless, I honestly think is clearly a form of racism and am very offended by it.

I would like to post a screenshot and the replay but I simply don’t know how. If needed, I can provide them.

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You could upload an image and post it here.

Forum Moderator Note: Please do not do this, as we do not allow public callouts, even for violations of the Code of Conduct.

We need squelch sometimes. I agree.

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Type /squelch player name who says racist thing.
You will no longer see messages from said player.

Forum Moderator Note: I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that it was not your intent to be insulting on the basis of language spoken, but that’s certainly how it comes across. The line in question has been removed.

The rest of the post is valuable, though, so i’ve left it up.

Moderators are censoring posts. That is bad moderation and the moderator who engaged in this act should be fired. My point is simple. Squelch the player who is doing something you find annoying. Moderators need to stop censoring posts just because some crybaby on the internet is offended. I squelch anyone who types “jajajaja” because it is annoying. You can squelch players for anything that you find annoying or offensive.

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Gl getting any kind of a decent experience out of these forums or persons “in charge” of this forum.
Instead of solving technical issues which evolve into racism. for example networking issues with counties with poor infrastructure. Blizzard will do NOTHING to alleviate the CORE issue. Heck they cant even deliver on a promise. Nor can they fess up to their mistakes.

Good luck

We really need to have a way to squelch barcodes.

It cannot be that a psycopath can just make a barcode account and there is no way of squelching or reporting that assh ole. It’s a haven for toxic people.

I would really like a button to squelch and report the opponent ingame - in the diplomacy menu perhaps.

To be fair had been home to some of the most toxic gamers until patch 1.18.

Believe it or not it could be argued some of the drama helped grow to what it is today.

You obviously have not played against players with IDs that make absolute no sense or those who use barcodes as their ID. Try squelching IDs such as IlIIIlIlllI. Can you even figure out how many Is and Ls there are in that ID? I clearly mentioned in my post about this squelch option and the problems with this option.

As for the admin, if you are unwilling to or practically unable to punish these kinds of players from battle net, please at least give us an option to squelch the opposing player w/o having to type out the whole ID. These kids intentionally use IDs that are confusing or not readable and keep spamming throughout the game.

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Lmao, I just don’t wanna read that I am a bi tch and that they will kill my family because they lost in a video game.

ROFL, sounds like you made a nerd really mad. I would laugh at such a response. If it bothers you so much though just squelch them. Also the idea of a squelch option in the options menu is a good idea for squelching barcodes and people with weird names.

Not sure since when raising a hand about racism was considered being a b****, or being nerdy. I never yell nor curse at the opponent in the game because I am losing. Nor have I ever accused of the opponent of maphack since 2007. If raising an issue like this is being a nerd, well I guess I am.

And I clearly mentioned in my original post that the guy’s ID was hard to read. Dunno why this “you can just squelch the guy” keeps appearing.

Some of you were talking about my reply instead of my original post. I have to admit that that reply of mine did sound nerdy :frowning:

Iron // Well, aside from my comments being nerdy, does freedom of speech include racial comments? Plus, as I have mentioned, I wanted to mute this guy but couldn’t because his ID was not legible.

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I support freedom of speech. Just mute him if it bothers u so much


Have you ever tried squelching a barcode?

more like freedom of censorship

It is not censorship, if I decide to not listen to you.

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