I am a loyal starcraft player with nearly 50 k games done. I would like to know what is Blizzard doing about players that are deliberately away from keyboard when they land in my team. Then just after this game they are the first players to immediately rush swarm host nydus on my base. Then when I report the players Zhutao and Lellasamuraj Blizzard do not ban or silence them. They are left to wreck our ranking being AFK. Also Player in team not doing Teamwork like Frank & Voetsak. When I confront the players I get reported and silenced. I feel the guys at Blizzard must wake up and see where is your income coming from. Cause Blizzard seem to support unpaid and AFK players above their paying clients. Looks like the American dream is to screw and discriminate against foreign clients as long as the money flow into Blizzard’s coffers.