Zergs work harder for their wins

All these people defending Toss must not even play Zerg. It takes 2 games to figure out which race is harder.


Hm idk. I dont think zerg is particular hard. But each to their own i guess.

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Now I really want to see Harstem cast a Batz game in his “is it imba or do I suck?” series.

Please submit a few replays for pure entertainment value.

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Pro players rarely have the game understanding for out of meta strategies. I beat them and hop onto their stream to hear their replay analysis for why they lost and it’s so detached from reality you’d think you tuned in to a Jehova’s Witness broadcast. Pro players spam the same builds on repeat like robots, builds they copied from the top pros for being the best strategies conceivable, and without which they wouldn’t do nearly as well as they do do. When I see Harstem winning at a GM level with disruptor DT or some other weird comp, then I might consider sending a replay to him. I have zero respect for apm spammers.


What are your thoughts regarding the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine?

As bill maher said, hamas wants to obliterate isreal but can’t; isreal could obliterate hamas but doesn’t. Isreal has shown tremendous restraint and patience – far more than any other country on Earth would show. If mexican cartels flew over the southern border in para-gliders and shot up a Tim McGraw concert, the US would’ve invaded mexico and every square inch of cartel territory would be rubble. American soldiers would be tictocing choreographed dance routines in the cartel leader’s living rooms (or what’s left of said rooms).

The pro-palestinian protests were enlightening. Did they protest when hamas attacked isreal? No they did not. They protest only after isreal starts to punch back. Translation, there are terrorist-sympathizes living in the US, and they are bold enough to be open about it. Terrifying.

Another aspect to it is the geopolitical lens. China is almost certainly pushing the buttons to try to get Iran to pick a fight with the US, hoping it escalates. If the US is fighting a war in two fronts (russia, isreal), it makes a Chinese-American war even more costly in the south china sea. America’s success comes from being able to maintain world peace which allows for safe trade, it’s called the Pax Americana, and the more the US & its allies struggle to maintain world peace, the more the Pax Americana is threatened. The US dollar is in the dumpster due to inflation, which means trade across the world, which is reliant on the USD, is hurting deeply due to the intense spending on these wars.

That’s not to say that isreal shouldn’t face intense scrutiny. They should. What holds people accountable is scrutiny.

Another aspect to it is the intense anti-semitism that is on display. Loads of jewish conspiracies are surfacing which are totally detached from reality. Jewish people are incredibly fragmented and non tribal, loads of jewish people don’t support isreal or a jewish state aka zionism. Jewish people overwhelmingly support multiculturalism. Isreal is also a very culturally diverse place. The idea that there’s a cabal of jews running the world for their own personal enrichment is totally absurd. Even the stereotype that they are geniuses isn’t true. Have you ever listened to Ben Shapiro talk? He’s a midwit at most. He’s smart enough to sound smart to college kids. He’s definitely no Alan Dershowitz. Jews are just ordinary people more or less the same as any other group.

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It’s odd that you say that to dismiss antisemitic conspiracy theories, because most of what I’ve seen in antisemitic posts are people complaining that Jewish people want countries be open-minded about immigration, so that the native populations end up replaced by foreigners.
You saying that they “overwhelmingly support multiculturalism” kind of reinforces the point that antisemites are trying to make.

Do you know what a random walk is? It’s a model used to show the movement of particles. It’s integral to literally everything. Everything from the stock market to your furnace to galaxies obey the random walk. It’s also almost certainly the way life occurred on Earth.

Do you know what the probability is that a random walk can produce a single protein from within the human body? It’s so infinitesimally low that it’s basically zero, and that’s just one protein out of 100,000+, and that’s just the proteins and not the system as a whole or other aspects of the system. The only way we exist is if the “earth experiment” has happened a trillion to the power of a trillion times before, and we’re the one that succeeded.

We are a statistical fluke in a universe that hates us, and the only reason we exist is because we take care of one another. Literally the entire universe seeks our destruction. Everything from bacteria to the sun to predatory animals to time itself works against us. And yet here we are, alive and arguing about video games. Mankind is truly something special. We have far more in common with our neighbors than anyone realizes. The universe is intensely hostile to our existence and if we are to survive long periods of time we must work together. Period. Alone and fragmented we will be hunter gatherers but together we will tame the stars themselves.

I disagree.

Do you know what happened to the Neanderthals? We ate them.
To thrive and to keep moving forward, we must make a choice and pick the better, smarter, more advanced civilization - to one most fit to guide us towards a brighter future.
As it happens, we are currently surrounded by lower forms of civilization plagued by backwards beliefs and inferior values which hold us back. Our tolerance and our desire to “make things work” and “live together” will cause our downfall in the long run.

No stars shall be tamed by rock eaters.

Totally wrong. The genetics indicate that the men who had any copy of a certain neanderthal gene were sterile. Neanderthals mixed with humans and then died out due to pure luck in the genetic lottery. They merged with us and to this day ~4% of modern human dna is uniquely neanderthal.

Natural selection does that on its own. What do you think is happening to the factory workers being replaced by AI and robots? It doesn’t lead to certain death like it did in the past, but it does lead to drastically reduced economic success & that has the same effect on long time scales.

You aren’t entirely wrong. Some people aren’t ready to move on from the past. Hamas is the perfect example. The mistake that western elites made was believing that all humanity could leave behind mysticism. In reality they needed to design their systems to control their populations using mysticism. That’s what the Catholic church did for ages. The west needs a unifying religion not because religion is good or correct, but because we need social cooperation and that can’t be realistically achieved without religion. The world just isn’t ready to move past the tribalism and mysticism.

The realization that occurred in the western hemisphere is that we can all hate one another, that’s fine, but we still need to set aside our differences and make some money. Because everyone needs money. It’s the one unifying characteristic for all of mankind. You need food, clothing, housing, literally everything you want & do requires money. So we created a legal system to resolve our disputes, shook hands & agreed to tolerate the existence of people we hate as long as they abide by some unifying rules – rules designed to make everyone rich. That is what hamas doesn’t get. You can hate Isreal. That’s fine. Whatever. But you can’t fly over to isreal and shoot up a concert. You can refuse to buy products from Isreal. You can refuse to associate with Isrealies. Etc. Totally valid moves. But you gotta get your butt to work and help pay the bills. Oh and don’t blow anyone up, either.

I’m not sure. We haven’t had a civilization where all kids across the country are taught in school: “obviously, there is no single entity with superpowers overseeing our every moves and creating all life, that’s retarded, kiddos” for several generations.
As much as Ayn Rand is mocked these days, I think there is value to what she says: the notion that our values don’t need to come from a higher power, but from the logical realization that not harming others in exchange for the implicit agreement that they won’t harm us in return is the optimal way for mankind to thrive and a valid starting point for the values we share as a community.

I believe the correct take is not caring about either side, to be honest. It’s the non-hypocritical take anyway.
Because at the end of the day, none of the people claiming to support one side or the other would ever make any real sacrifice to help the cause. They’ll never go there and enroll. They’ll never put their lives on the line - and that’s fine. It just means they don’t care as much as they’d like to believe.

It’s time for us to acknowledge that a bunch of people killing each other in the desert on the other side of the world is none of our business.

We had 1 generation of atheism and a new super-woke religion spawned, mental illness shot through the roof. Mankind is not ready to move past mysticism. That’s just reality.

That’s totally correct. People need to realize that priority #1 is making money and we have to obey certain rules that enable a stable money-making system to exist. You can’t have a stable system by Hamas’ rules. That’s the thing they just don’t get. Your hatred needs to be secondary to your love for money. You can hate isreal as much as you want, just don’t threaten the stability of the system. That means no shooting people, no blowing up, etc.

No, America absolutely needs Isreal as they are our biggest ally in the region. The middle east is very unstable and Isreal is one of the few stable countries in the region. Do you know how much trade goes through the red sea? A ridiculous amount. Remember, world peace exists because america ensures safe trade worldwide. The little bit of chaos that Hamas created was plenty for people to start attacking cargo ships in that area. Imagine what could happen to trade if the US just pulled out. Get ready for product shortages, industry collapse, economic depression, then WW3 and finally nuclear winter. That’s exactly what would happen. If you can’t grow your economy through trade, the only other option is war. So if trade is off the table then it’s war.

I’m 26 years old, so I grew up in that generation. The lack of belief in God is not the sole factor that caused the phenomenon you’re describing.

It’s also the fact that our education is 24/7 propaganda for left wing values.
English is not my native language, and every single year, the English program in school was stuff about Diversity™ and Tolerance™ whilst we also studied WWII for a solid 6 years in a row, learning about the importance of not repeating the mistakes of the past and unlearning basic skills such as pattern recognition.

Atheism alone isn’t to blame for the “woke” (I hate that word by the way) mindset you’re describing.

Maybe. I don’t know enough about that.
The EU forums are dead so I’m posting here, but I’m actually French.

I agree the hyper fixation on tolerance and diversity is obnoxious and counter productive, especially when they start talking about economic warfare against certain groups (e.g. reparations etc). It definitely backfires. It doesn’t make people more tolerant, it makes them intolerant. Most people in the US were ready to move to a post-racial society until the super-wokes took over, now blatant racism is common and all over youtube. Wokeism backfired. It created a racism pandemic. It’s the objective conclusion to come to.

I think the message needs to be that we don’t have to like one another. We just have to get along enough to make money. Let’s get rich together. All of us. We don’t have to be friends or pretend we are all the same. We just have to have the freedom & money to live our lives as we see fit, and that requires a stable money making system, e.g. a robust economy governed by the rule of law. That’s the message that has the potential to unify mankind.

This message is already penetrating deep into the middle east, by the way. The elites over there know they need to transition their economy off of oil eventually, and the only option they have his tourism. But to have a strong tourist economy, they have to de-radicalize. Nobody is going to visit a radical country. Money is the universe language that everyone speaks. When the US bombed the heck out of Vietnam, we lost. But when we offered to build McDonalds, we won. It’s clear what works and what doesn’t.

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Thoughts on the recent Israel strike on Rafah?

I haven’t heard of it yet. My knee jerk reaction is that hamas was probably camping out with civilians like they frequently do. You’d think if you were fighting a noble war, you’d try to avoid collateral, but they camp out with civilians because they want civilian casualties so they can generate maximal embarrassment for Isreal. They use this to get donations from around the world, and that’s how Hamas’s business model works. They’ve turned terrorism into a profitable business model.

Based on their actions, it seems isreal is now considering anyone terrorist-adjacent to be supporting the terrorists / involved with them. This means that if people want to avoid being caught in a bombing, they have to stop associating with hamas. Being in proximity of a terrorist is probably considered being terrorist-sympathetic. It’s within the civilians control to avoid hamas, excluding when hamas secretly sets up a base in the middle of a group of people (unbeknownst to them). The unfortunate reality is that most palestinians support hamas / elected hamas to power. They don’t mind being in the proximity of hamas. If you were to get rid of hamas and let palestine have an election, a hamas 2.0 would likely be elected and the problem would start all over again.

The fundamental issue is that they have no natural resources. If you don’t have resources, you have to sell labor or tourism. Nobody is going to build a factory in a place like that. Nobody is going to go on vacation there. That land is cursed to poverty for eternity. The people can’t escape because nobody wants them. They have no choice, economically, except to use terrorism to elicit donations & that’s their entire economic model.

Ironically I think one of the solutions would be to have the CIA rig their election and put a sock puppet government in place for hamas, but good luck finding anyone willing to take on that kind of risk. The reality is that it’s easy to run than to fight for people who have the resources to run or fight. Everyone else is just stuck with hamas.

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There is no universe where you explained balance and skill with these metrics, this is even worse then the fb new metric system, anybody believes this crap?

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http s://learningsc2.com/improving-your-play/keyboard-control-the-power-of-shift/
http s://www.ign.com/wikis/starcraft-2/Special_Controls
http s://learningsc2.com/tag/hotkeys/
http s://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4701/what-are-grid-hotkeys

total BS
zerg’s mico is much more easier than other races and its economic expand is the most easist one!

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As always, it remains crazy easy to beat 5300-5500 zergs and terrans, but crazy hard to beat a 4500 protoss and impossible to beat a 5000 protoss.