Zerg units and abilities too weak but protoss and terran abilities increaseds

I certainly didnt expect you protecting your (ex)imba race


You’re too used to being ezmode.
Time to learn the game.



I know how to play the game Im just making a statement that zerg didnt get increased abilities.

They’ve been “increased” since the get-go.

What else are you expecting? Auto win at match start-up?


No i didnt say win from match startup but i feel like they should increase attack range from a few zerg units.

Zerg was buffed. What are you talking about?

yea,and terran was nerfed,right?

I haven’t seen a single bc opener since the new patch began.

fixed that for you :wink:


lol, “2 years”…

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Maybe we can propose a ‘trade’ that can occur for abilities to Blizzard. >_<

Infested Terrans come back.

Void Rays get a partial phase out that may take damage and has a huge cooldown too.

hello zergAvilo how are you?

Yeah that will be cool

Standard zerg whiner phrase. Boring.

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Fixed: Serral, the fourth race, has been heinously OP the last two years. Dominant in every match up except SvZ.

Yea, terran doesnt have to rely on bcs thats a great thing :slight_smile:just like zerg doesnt have to ‘rely’ on infestors

  • Can’t articulate a counter argument.
  • Accuses someone else of being brainless.

No need for an arguement when they make it obvious im afraid its a Waste of time

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As is contradicted by the fact that you wasted time on it by replying.

In the heat of the moment people make irrational decision, it happens my bad