Z and P is easy race - break down with stats

This is … the opposite of the truth.

First, I don’t even have a hypothesis :stuck_out_tongue:

But more importantly, I was listing “Here are explanations that would cause the same data to occur.” I’m listing that all of these are possibilities that would explain the data that you have.

No, it really isn’t. I can’t emphasize this enough.

You have proven nothing as well; and I’m not the one arguing that there is something. If you want to convince someone of something specific, that’s when proof is required.

I’ve demonstrated with reference all the things I care about, and you are choosing to ignore them.

Sure thing buddy , like i said, some people just dont want to believe the earth is round. It’s like people back in the 1600 who hasnt gone to space yet. Stay in denial and play ez race its ok. You haven’t refuted anything. I’ve shown strong correlation, you on the other hand have done nothing but anecdotal conjecture

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Same with you whiners. You Interpret Things as you Like. You Take a certain Stat and make the world Out of it. We have different Views but in the end the masses will say x is more logical than why and Most likely its true. Not Always ofc but mostly. Most people think that its Not a Problem that Low Level is flooded with terran.

Yet another lie about me coming out of your face. I don’t pretend to determine what stats are and are not relevant.

Terran historically over-performing in GSL? Relevant. Protoss under-performing in Premiers? Significiant. Zerg overperforming in Premiers? Also significant.

ALL these stats are significant. Not just the ones you want to be. The fact that you’re able to convince yourself that YOU get to decide which stats are and aren’t relevant is moronic hubris.

And I don’t think most people are even aware of this.

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They are aware. It has been Like that for ages and it has been discussed a thousand Times

I dont actually say its irrelevant. Im Just saying its pretty wrong to conclude Something Out of a very flawed Stat. Im saying you shouldnt conclude terran is the hardest Race based on Distribution because the Race selection is Not random. We have No Baseline how the races should be distributed.
Neither of you 2 Respect that and this is why you 2 See Things that Other people dont.

Like i Said. Its known for ages that If you Play bronze or silver you will face terran over and over and over again. And for almost all people its pretty logical. Except for diehard whiners i mean.

You literally just said that it proves that Terran is the easiest. More practice + worse results = easier.

Nope ? Cant you read ?
I Bet you quote me saying its easiest to grasp. But guess what ? Those 2 Statements are completly different.

He said Terran was the hardest. You stated it was “exactly the other way around.”

I Love how you misinterpret that. I Said His conclusion is the Other way round. He Said its the hardest to grasp based on His observations. I Said His observations should Lead to the Other way round: terran is the easiest to grasp.

So you’re saying terran is the easiest . Just curious did you ever go to school

Easiest to grasp
20 characters

Sure thing , so easy that players cant climb out of their respective ranks whereas other races can. you’re a smart one huh

The one Thing doesnt have Something to do with the Other. Why would beginners Pick the hardest to grasp Race in the First place ? StarCraft is literally designed to let you Play terran in the beginning. Not a surprise that terran has the Most Players and the Most Players in lower leagues

Easy to play effectively and Most familiar are, in fact, different statements.

You’re saying that P/Z are the former and Sentry is saying that T is the latter.


The statement is disingenuous, at best. It’s a 25 year old game. Who isn’t familiar with it by now? It was a cultural phenomenon. Further, the idea that “new” players are picking Terran when I’ve many times debunked that, showing that Terran players are, in fact, slightly more experienced at the game.

But he always just ignores it, repeats the same old thing verbatim, and continues in ignorance.

Cs Go/cs is Out for how Long now ? Do you think that there are a Lot of silver Players who are really Familiar with Like 3 Spray patterns…If any ?
Same with sc2. If you are silver you are lacking in nearly every aspect of the Game. Meaning you dont understand sh*t about your Race and even less about the races you dont Play. Only because you Played the Game properly and therefore understand it doesnt mean that everyone does. There are so many StarCraft Fans that actually dont really Play the Game and dont really understand whats Happening. I was at hsc and was surprised that so many people were legit Not good at the Game. But you know what ? Thats fine. Not everyones Life is based on how good they are in StarCraft or how hard it is to be a terran.

But yeah you are right. I cringe everytime a zerg says Hes playing the Harder Race or how He picked zerg because zerg is too hard for noobs and He Likes it rough…only because its Harder to grasp it at First/Harder to learn the Race at First it doesnt mean its Overall Harder or it makes you Special or the people in your League achieved less only because they picked p or t. In that Sense its correct. Its 2023. No one Cares.

Mating, sports and reading books have always been cultural phenomenons as you put it yet not everyone is equally proficient at those either.
When will you whiners stop spamming your retarded tired arguments? At least make it more impressive by requesting wild imbalance patches or whoseyourdaddy for terrans

A WILD concept that of hundreds of thousands of players who play the race, everyone who tries it has lower MMR despite practicing more. Who would think that makes a skill “harder?”

Its almost comedic that you just cannot comprehend the idea that terran is filled with people who pick up the game once a month, do a ladder game as terran because its the default, then go play something else for another month.


“Terran players play MORE GAMES ON AVERAGE”

I know, reading is difficult.