Alright so who wrote this :
Calling others nuts when your own words refute your next ones, interesting isn’t it ? Not that you weren’t grasping at straws already.
According to your own words, leaving in teamgames makes the whole team smurf unwillingly. So, you’re considering that the act of smurfing itself is here a prejudice to players that would want to be matched accordingly right ? Why then wouldn’t it be a prejudice to 1v1 players who’d also want to be matched accordingly ? You’re forcing a twisted matckmaking on others either way.
Dude, you’re tiring with your own contradictions. If the ladder works accordingly, eventually at Xk MMR you’re going to be matched with players who’re gonna win 50% of the time. Freelosing smurfs being by definition players whose true MMR is X + Δ, if they play at X MMR the very system is going to make them beat the regular players more often. Even if the regular players improve from X to U MMR, the smurfs at U MMR will still originate from U + Δ MMR. And so the problem isn’t the regular players skill, whether it’s U or X MMR, but the +Δ the smurfs induce.
If that’s too complicated for you, the “gitgud so you can’t be smurfed” could only apply to ladder’s #1 player (Serral). To the 235 000 others players, it will only change the MMR required in order to smurf them.
Ondskan, I understand your point, and do partly share it. However
- at one hand we’re still getting support (bugfixes, map pool updates, even balance changes) for a game which is 12 years old… which is remarkable. SC2 teams had to deal with problematic lead designers (such as David Kim), who enforced the spectacle over gameplay’s balance and pleasure of play. Despite that, we did get lots of balance updates, community feedbacks, and now the game isn’t in a too bad place. I am grateful for what most of the team members did along the years.
- at another hand, they means to act have been progressively reduced, until the team in charge was even completely changed. And it seems that Bli² then having to make choices chose to care only about the game itself issues, and less and less about players induced issues (hacking, smurfing, botting, offensive chatting etc. ). And so while I long informed them about how the situation was slowly degrading, we have reached a point where it’s unlikely for them to ever take measures regarding it (since they don’t have the means to combat even those they wanted to, such as hacking). If they ever change their mind about smurfing, good for us, but we’d best have to accept this as not happening, and deal with it.