What makes a Kerri player good?

Dead of night as Kerri with a Swann ally versus ground toss is soooooooooooooooooooo enjoyable

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tanks, lurkers and infinite mobility? ^^

Macro. Anyone can micro Kerrigan and destroy armies with her. A good player can also be making, upgrading and managing an army while they do it.

Mutalisk is more late game for Kerri than Hydra.

You can choose either of them but Hydras and Nydus can protect base and push multiple locations faster than Mutalisk while Mutalisk can wreck through a location faster they also die faster though.

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Inducing a serious case of arthritis with the insane Queen macro. :C

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If Kerrigan’s ally is under attack from burrowed/cloaked units, then pop an Omega Worm to help them out! Detection, but the Malignant Creep, and transport also help!

Worms can get destroyed quickly on some mutations, while tumors stay there, providing vision. But I place them later (put queen in nydus, and then put tumors near every worm)

I don’t think that playing Kerri only can be considered good. Imo you should always build some, even if it’s just just lings to destroy buildings after kerri cleared (or stunned) all defense, or lurkers to defend while kerri is clearing the next base or objective.

And even if going mass muta, I don’t think you should skip ability efficiency in evo chamber (I guess it should pay itself with the more frequent assimilation aura) … and you still use Kerri until you have enough mutas, right?

Hmm… I’m not sure which mutators you’re referring to, but the ones that come to mind are ones where it’s especially good to use Omegas: Purifier Beam and Laser Drill. In both of those cases extra Omegas is really good.

Sure, you’re welcome to use your spare APM to micro queens, but most Kerri players should concentrate on improving their Kerri micro and their macro before adding more complexities like queens.

Sure, but sometimes you can clear quicker by reducing the amount of macro you’re spending your APM on. In my mind it comes down to how best to use the limited resource of APM.

For me to set up a standard? maybe i will say a good kerri should solo this brutation timely reinforcements. That consists of heavy microing hero with nydus to take out rifts before base got overwhelmed, knowledge of early defense before kerri arrives, army choice to defend the ship and the amon waves, and the operatiing priority among all those things.
Maybe that is too much to be good i should change it to experting kerri.

If you’re going air, not building Nydus is justified enough, I think. But still, if not for you, they can be useful to your ally.
And maybe its just my platinum level point of view, but I would not call players that are going Muta against Storm/Archons, Scourge/Vipers or Widow Mine/Thors and doing OK “good”, I would call them “God tier”.

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I meant map like Mist Opportunities where enemies spawn from different sides at the same time and can quickly destroy worm (esp. with mutator like Inspiration) while you are fighting elsewhere
Or for example the current mutator with Void rifts - I got worms destroyed by enemies spawned from the rifts before I could get there (as I was destroying rifts on the other side of the map), but tumor survived, giving me vision to plant new worm (of course regular attack waves always have a detection so tumors in their direct path will be killed as well).
Although in the end what worked the best for me was to burrow lurkers all over the map :upside_down_face:

I didn’t say tumors instead of worms, but in addition to them :wink:
For Purifier beam tumors work as well, but require more micro (but I think the best would be using OVs to lure beams away and then float in circles, but that requires your ally not to interfere)

I don’t think worms are particularly good against laser dril (except for planting 1 nydus near the drill to provide creep for spines or transport for whatever you use to destro it after it respawns), as if kept alive the dril would target kerri and not nyduses,

If you can solo brutal or brutation with using only kerri, sure, then you’re definitely good. But I had trouble destroying objectives or structures fast enough (DoN, trains, ships …) or eliminating some enemy waves (like 15:30 wave on MO with 2 dominators, or any late wave with BCs) without having some units to provide more DPS or eat some of the high damage spells, or without relying on my ally to do most of the work.

On the other hand, if your APM is so limited, that you can either micro kerrigan or build units, but not both, then I would not call you that good.

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Yea that would be nice. Has someone done that?
I am not good enough to solo (most of) brutations, but I did some experiments and it seems very hard. I can use 2 spines and a queen to defend until kerri spawns, without sacrificing that much economy, but then there are 4 void rifts, and she has to defend the first ship from 4:50 to 6:50 while 4 more void rifts spawn (5:20, 6:50) and I don’t think I can get enough units to be able to kill or tank those 8 rifts

Or I can build ~8 lings to destroy one of the first rifts (or maybe both if they spawn next to each other) but then I end up with too few drones and almost no defense against the following rifts … and that’s just the beginning. If only I could make lurkers right from the start, that would be something lol :wink:

Sure, if you can do both well, then that’s really good, you’re already better than most Kerri players. I just didn’t want less experienced players thinking they needed to manage tumours to play well. In my mind that’s a much lower priority and for most co-op players using queens would result in worse play, not better.

Love me some lurkers :slight_smile:

Exactly, which is why I said emphasis on macro + Kerri micro. For most cases I’d rank priorities for Kerri as:

  1. Micro Kerri
  2. Economy
  3. .
    a. Build and place omegas
    b. Tech up
  4. Macro army (queue to omegas, dump out and back in, etc)
  5. Micro army
  6. Creep tumours and other micro-optimizations.

Naturally this can change depending on the mutators or playstyle, but it’s a solid base to start from. Anyone who does 1-4 I’d class as good, and someone who can do those well and has spare APM for 5+ is really good.

that makes sense dude to finish the issue raisen by oneself. Im uploading a video to youtube to prove that. Maybe in another topic.