"Warp Incomplete" achievement still bugged? (solved)

Among the 10th Anniversary achievements there is “Warp Incomplete” for LOTV mission The Infinite Cycle. The achievement requires you to “not allow enemy warp prisms to warp in any units”.

Originally the achievement was partially bugged, requiring you to super quickly kill certain bunches of units that are warping in without any warp prism present. However I vaguely remember that having been fixed in some patch already, so that only actual warp prisms need to be targeted now.

Am I wrong about the fix? I’m in the process of unlocking any campaign achievements I can on Brutal difficulty. Well I just completed The Infinite Cycle mission TWICE on Brutal, being quite certain I killed every single warp prism before they got any units out, still no achievement. My internet connection is no issue, as I was getting many other achievements for the mission.

What could be the problem? Do I still have to kill the units warping in during the final battle of map 1, for it seems pretty darn tough thing to do on Brutal (barely managed to do it on Hard back when one had to do that trick in order to get the achievement).

From understanding, it is fixed.

Right now, the issue is perhaps you might not want to complete this on Brutal? Since I don’t think enough people have explored what are the ‘additional units’ that appear on Brutal mode.

Thanks for commenting, I appreciate the help!

By “additional units”, do you mean that there might be similar cases like with the original bugged setup (the units warping in without prism), but now something more (seing indeed how on Brutal most missions include scripted events not present on lower difficulties) which Blizzard team might have overlooked while fixing the achievement for Normal? Guess that could be one explanation.

Just now I actually went and checked Lowko’s video where he does GET the achievement on BRUTAL. So it should work indeed! Guess I’ll have to make another attempt… (LOL, Lowko too watches a clip of his own play in slow motion to be sure he got the prisms before zealots warped in, that one scene really is a hell to play on Brutal difficulty.)

Those warp ins that occur at the end of the 1st phase (that had no warp prisms) were indeed patched. The achievement trigger was changed to ignore all warp ins during the 1st phase.

That essentially means that you can safely ignore that whole first phase and concentrate on just the 2nd and 3rd as far as the achievement is concerned.

Ok, thanks for clarifying. Just wondering, are there actually any warp prisms of concern in the final 3rd phase? If I’m not mistaken, only one prism can be seen at the start, but that one doesn’t seem to warp in anything, units beneath it are already placed on the map.

I never noticed it before but you’re right! There’s no warp ins in Phase 3. The whole achievement is based off of Phase 2 only.

Ok, FINALLY got it, on Brutal! :sweat:

I also noticed something about the mission mechanics that can have an effect on one’s chances of getting this achievement on Brutal.

So the tricky part is the 2nd battle of the 2nd phase, where 2 prisms warp in 6 zealots in seconds before continuing to warp in stalkers & immortals. The thing is, the exact LOCATIONS where the 6 zealots appear seem to be random between different mission playthroughs, however they seem to be about 90% the same during the same playthrough of the mission.

Lowko got lucky: when he was playing 4 of 6 zealots warped in clumped up AND in the front (about 90% of times when he was reloading his save), making it easier to kill them with banes / Artanis’ dash attack. I on the other hand got unlucky, since in my game all 6 zealots warped in dispersed and more in the back about 90% of the time reloading, making it near impossible to reach them all in time. I guess that’s why Lowko spent about 1 hour trying this whereas I had to spend around 3 hours…

Anyway, if someone tries “Warp Incomplete” on Brutal and finds the 6 zealots warping in way too dispersed & back, one could try to restart the whole mission and HOPE that they’ll warp in at better locations that time. (Alternatively one could load a save from the end of phase 1, but I do not know if that’s enough to “reset” the warp in locations for the zealots.)