Viper/Infester changes that might help late game

( EDIT: Apologies retrospectively. I didn’t see the patch confirmation when I made this post. That changes quite a bit. Also, I see everyone’s comments about the Viper, so I concede that maybe I just think it’s a strong ability. I’ve gone in and tested the ability nerf anyway and it breaks Vipers to near useless, so point taken.

As for the Infestor, thanks for the feed back. I think I saw the changes around late in the day (not observant, my bad) but yeah, seems like that’s a step in the right direction. I guess my concern was something I’d been researching which was how Zerg players, when using infestors are essentially using a macro button on their mouse generally so that the cast functions as a drag tool instead of a click, causing the number of IT to come out to be exponentially more and quicker than an actual click or shift click cast. It’s a minor edge, and I was trying to think of ways to curb the mechanic to make Infestors able to not be as overwhelming. That being said, I am going off of complaints and second hand stories from pros complaining about it and some of my lower rank casual friends not understanding how to react. )

So, Abduct is what I feel is the biggest issue when it comes to late game Zv(T/P).
So a couple of changes that would help that meta, while keeping Viper Viable:

Abduct cannot pull Massive Units.
This would nerf Viper significantly, so it would need to be a trade off. Making Parasitic bomb stronger might help curb this, along with making Blinding cloud cheaper.

Viper supply increased. Logic behind this is simple, less vipers, less abducts. I’m not sure of the math, but I feel like this would need to be combined with a corruptor buff of some sort to make it balanced and not totally kill off vipers.

Abduct range decreased, Parasitic bomb range increased. A trade off, making Vipers more vonurable for their best move, while safer for helping whittle down air units HP.

As for the Infestor:

Infested Terrans life span cut in half. This would be a drastic change that would primarily function to redefine them as a reactionary spell or extra damage during a push. In exchange I’d propose that burrow speed and unburrow speed be be increased for the Infestor. This would on theory give players more opportunity to stealth fungal with some more efficiency at higher levels, while the mid to lower level play isn’t bombarded with late game infested Terrans destroying a Terran or Protoss fleet.

Option 2: Infested Terran has a burst cast of 3 Infested Terrans, with a 1.25 sec cool down before it can be cast again from the infestor(This does not remove energy cost). This might be a bit of a larger nerf, but it would also help ween off reliance of infested Terran as part of the main army and it really would need to be fine tuned and tested though and through before implemented.
Again, this would help keep the infested Terran manageable if you’ve out played your opponent to that point. If he has 6 infestors you’ll get a batch of infested Terrans but it acts like a buffer rather than a ful fledged army, allowing for retreat, or if your dps is good enough, to remove them before the next batch is ready.

Lastly, the other idea I’d like to throw out is increase incubation time, but increase egg armor to 5 (Ajustable number). This means if your stick around, you’re going to have to deal with those infested Terrans in full force, or give the opponent counter play opportunities. This in junction with Abducts, fungals, or pincer attacks would help not invalidate the infested Terrans, but this could open up a lot of mineral harassment with Infestor hit squads. This also would be a huge nerf in combat, but it would have the potential issue of relegating them to phenomenal harassment units, which is not something I’d want per say, but longer incubation would mean they’d have to be in plain sight for much longer, allowing you to move your probes/SCVs.

I know these are superficial suggestions that would require testing, but I’d be curious what the community as a whole would think of these changes, or which changes combined could help curb two very powerful casters to be efficient, but not over powering at lower or higher levels? Again, not saying these are the only changes that are acceptable, but I think that Abduct and Infested Terran really hurt late game in Zv(P/T) and I’d like to see that meta see more variety in late game units from all sides feel as powerful as they are.

Feedback is appreciated! Working on Swarm Host changes as well.

Intent is to keep the gameplay as true to their intended design while keeping more options available for counter play.

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Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the viper’s original main reason for existence was to give zerg a way to deal with Colossus.

Viper is fine… the infestor is the problem.

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The whole point of abduct is basically massive units. Abduct is fine. The purpose of the spell is to pull high priority targets. Yes, tanks and immortals, but colossus, carriers, tempest, BL etc. Really the whole point of the viper was to help roach hydra. WOL you didn’t go roach hydra especially against protoss because colossus would just murder it. That was one of the reasons for abduct. Viper is fine. Parasitic bomb isn’t the best spell, but vipers overall are fine. It’s not a problematic unit. Just because you lose units to it doesn’t mean it needs to be changed. You really don’t see a lot of vipers. You only need like 4 in most situations. So idea where you are getting more supply so there’s less vipers. Vipers can regain energy fast. And they don’t scale well the more you have unlike infestors.

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I don’t lose to it. I play Zerg and use it a lot. I tend to kill enemy armies due to Abduct. Thor’s, carriers and Archons become jokes. If the Viper changes don’t feel neccesary, some feedback on Infestor would be nice.

cutting the duration of IT isn’t the answer here and adding seconds on hatchtime either even though the burrow/unburrow trait sounds interesting

also combined with the necessary bugfix of that antiair attack ignoring armor that proposed nerfs are overkill

the second option … does that mean i can only cast IT if i have 150 energy to cast the It in the first place o.O

for viper i wonder how removing the feeding mechnism would work, or changing the source from building to a unit, like the defiler once had restoring energy by draining hp of a host creature or simply disable the feeding feature but in that cast you have to adjust the energy requirements of the spells since you don’t have the time to wait until you can bp or abduct something otherwise

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For the burst cast, I’d imagine so. Maybe it could be a stack kind of thing like each cast retains it’s regulate singluare cast but it stacks only up to 3. That way it’s like cannonically it’s converting biomass into infested Terrans?

Yeah, and the original goal of the lib was to give AoE anti-air. That didn’t happen.

Vipers were supposed to kill the mass colossus meta of PvZ, but in practice it didn’t really work, and mutas were a vastly more popular solution. And that was in the HotS landscape.

In today’s landscape, the viper doesn’t come into play against colossi at all, for two reasons. The corruptor’s movement speed buffs makes it a far better colossus counter than vipers ever could be, which gives a natural progression in BL, and besides colossi are just straight up weaker in the first place.

I mean, when is the last time you saw 6+ colossi in PvZ?

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75 actually, ITs are only 25 energy a piece remember.

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Ding ding ding - we have a winner! You’ve just won the daily “Congrats for having a brain!” award!

And other massive units, zerg late game aa was terrible before the viper.

Zerg infested terrans just got confirmed a pretty hefty nerf…

Can we like not whine for 2 days, can we make it?

thanx for that correction, i personally don’t use infestors that much since i am long dead before they are in anyway meaningfull, not because other races are op its more i am not able to handle them correctly and stuff

okay 75 energy which means after pathogene glands is done they could emidiatly throw down dem beachballs

still that change won’t decrease infestor numbers, if anything it’ll increase the numbers or atleast don’t alter them at all since zerg has to decide what of the 75 energy spells is being used in any particlar moment, having more infestor still increases the numbers of IT but will also increase the numbers of fungal/np used since the capped energyburn will leftover some energy which otherwise would be spent in IT …

edit: must be some neural parasite upsetting the neurochemical balance in my brain and impairs my speechpatterns :upside_down_face:

Because tje two existing nerfs clearly is not enough…

refering to the bugfix and the increase in firing time? that official announcement slipped my attention though

Yes those. Bet it has a huge impact on zerg late game aa. Especially against massive units.

I recommend vipers not being able to pull colossus, but only with a late game 300/300 upgrade for the colossus titled:

Neutronium Core (“A teaspoon of neutronium weighs more than the Earth!”

Requires a Fleet Beacon!

The reason for this is that Zerg needs a counter to colossus in the mid game and early late game; however, Protoss needs a counter to mass infested terrans and broodling walls late-late game (colossus)!

Also we need to do this balance change in a manner that doesn’t affect PvT.

Thus my solution a 300/300 upgrade for colossus on the robo bay that requires a fleet beacon seems to be the best solution.

I have another idea.
One of the things i find kinda sad is dat the mothership is pretty much a gimmicky Unit in PvZ mainly.
mostly because it gets either abducted or taken over.

The Ultralisk has a trade called “Frenzy” what makes it immune to CC.

Why not give dat to the Mothership?
I am not sure about all interactions like raven interference matrix but the mothership isnt really a good unit in any matchup for the most part, while it should feel like a super lategame addition dat has impact.
And i mean the cloak is super useful and maybe to strong if you cant deal with it,
but terrans cc against the mothership would be the raven and i dont think dats really needed if you can perma scan in the lategame

pvp does not use cc dat would impact the mothership as far as i am aware atm
and well zerg just poops on the mothership, where the buff in my eyes mostly comes in play.
it couldnt be taken over by infestors or pulled out of postion by vipers

i am not sure if dat would make lategame skytoss deathballs op vs zerg, but i dont really feel so, since oversers are not so hard to come by

what are you thoughs about dat?

The problem (one of them that springs to mind) would be that tempests can snipe the overseers from 15 range. There would be no way to deal with a mothership then, apart from sacrificing a full corruptor ball to deal with it while passing through the ball of whatever the airtoss deathball is composed of.

The answer, at least in my opinion, is not removing the counterplay of the unit which gives cloaking field to a whole army.

i mean most lategame zerg pushes and defense go hand in hand with lot of spores
but ye you raise a good point i guess

in my mind atm the clock of the mothership rarly is a game decider ever in high lvl and in low lvl nobody can spell cast anyway

and sniping overseers with tempest is not an easy low apm play to keep up with

but dats might be the reason why it needs counterplay