Unranked and ranked matchmaking

Bad design. 20 chara

I don’t think that’s such a good idea. What makes the matchmaking wider and wider as you get higher in MMR is that there are less players of this level. And so, to avoid the waiting times increasing too much, the system accepts to pair together players of increasingly distant MMR.

If you did separate unranked and ranked matchmakings, it would basically cut the available players pools by half for each. Impliying either doubled waiting times, or wider MMR association ranges.

So there are chances it would in fact worsen the problem you’re facing. :thinking:

yes i would gladly wait an extra 30 seconds to 1 minutes for a fairer match.

hell back in the day we used to just sit in a lobby and WAIT for someone of our skill level to join. do you know how long that took sometimes?

QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. game developers have missed this memo as of late, and it’s getting frustrating. some of us want quality… not shove us through as fast as you can because the modern age is fast !!! SO FAST !


Doesnt seem fair to me that you can decide to play a ranked game, lets say you are 3k mmr. And be pared up with a master player who decided to play unranked today and has a low unranked mmr. And thus lose ranking because of this system. Win or lose, doesnt matter to him, but you lose mmr.

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I think the one thing to change is that when you are in the loading screen the mmr shown is always for ranked play, 5k player but 4450 mmr unranked. I would prefer just to see the unranked mmr when playing against unranked.

Unranked MMR is by default (at the start) aligned on your ranked one (same than offraces btw). So if yo’ure being matched with someone way above your own league, that’s probably not a system problem you’re dealing with here, but a smurfing issue (users who deliberately lose MMR in order to be matched with weaker players). Which, doesn’t seems very fair indeed.

I have made a thread defining, assessing and giving some advices about that very issue. If you want it to have more chance to get to the devs’ ears, leave a comment or a like. I’ll submit it to the devs on the next community feedback. :cowboy_hat_face:

I do know as I have practiced in lobbies for some time, a bit more than one year ago. The thing is that 30s or 1’ minute more is the delay we’d get around 3K MMR. If you were a 6.5K MMR, who already has to wait 5-6’ to queue a game, it’ll turn into 5 or 6 minutes more. Which I am not sure would please everyone. :thinking:

Do you think that possibly people play in unranked when they are on losing streaks, or try less because its unranked.

it is absolutly awful, anyone who sasy otherwise has absolutly no clue what they are talking about and are in gold league.

here is a comprehensive list of everything unranked is good for

20%saving egos
10%playing while drunk

and i would say there is no difference between the second and third one, onetime i played against a 5k player who said he was playing unrnaked because he was “a bit tipsy” and i still got destroyed.

so only play unranked if you are completely wasted just tipsy isnt enough

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I dont think Ranked players should be teamed with unranked players in 2v2, since the unranked player is usually testing some sort of one base all in or cheese and usually leaves the moment it fails (which is likely since there are two armies to defend).

It is. Some people have reported playing ranked when lacking confidence (after a lose streak), or when trying a new strategy. As for tryharding a bit less, it can happen very occasionally that they leave a nearly won game, but most people like to win and won’t concede defeat without trying, even with no points at stake.

Either way that shouldn’t bring them to a MMR that apart from their base’ ladder one, unless their offracing. And if they’re offracing, then you’re not being cheated upon.

So if you play a master 3’s main race at D3 MMR (1K MMR under his), wether it’s ranked or unranked it’s likely a smurf. :mag:

The mmr difference will only stay small if both are played about equal amounts. But if someone starts off somewhere low ish and climbs ladder often, there will in fact be a rather large gap.

Possibly. But you’d have to play for months in ranked only to get that kind of difference to be significant, and even like that, the few unranked games you’d play will be mostly victories, reducing the difference between both MMRs each time.

So overall, the case you describe should be rather infrequent.

I think you’re wrong, but I dont think there is a way of proof either way. Lets blame it all on smurfs.

I still think if youre risking mmr, it should be to someone also risking mmr.

But there is a MMR variation on both sides wether it’s ranked or unranked. It just stays hidden when you’re doing the latter.

That’s why I say that unless you’re losing deliberately, the match-making would eventually autocorrect in both cases.

That’s another point where you’re going too fast. Evidence can be found, specially if there happen to be several freeloses in the recent history of the suspiciously high league you played. If you see that, it can’t be anything but a smurf. :mag:

There’s a variety of other hints that could be found, but it’s the topic of other threads, so I won’t develop it any further here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Youre talking about personal anectodal evidence, but there likely arent any solid statistics to back up what youre saying. Not going to fast, I didnt check but its a reasonable assumption.


Cognitive process is the only tool required in that case. Think about it, what purpose would repeated freeloses serve besides lowering one’s MMR ?

Anyway, I am intrigued. To back-up what part of what I’m saying, precisely ? And what kind of solid statistics do you have in mind ?

Well its not public, but it would be easy for blizz to pull the numbers on how many accounts have a large or not large gap in the two mmr.

Could likely argue for showing if certain levels of ranked have a higher use of the unranked.
Like there should be an average soft ceiling for players who then jump to unranked.

Probably a average number of losses before unranked use.

The company has the numbers and could find out these stats. But they probably dont care.

Assuming they don’t think that playing either modes long enough would equalize both MMR, yes, only the devs would have easy access to this. Though…

  • MMR is displayed for ≥ M1 MMR on the loading screen, whether it’s unranked or not. It’d be rather quick to check for MMR gaps between ranked and unranked at this level. Not sure you’d find a M1 player that interested by the question, however.
  • At lower levels, one might be able to extrapolate unranked MMR by averaging the one of a player’s opponents though, and therefore approximate this.

Anyway, sometimes, the devs have to be convinced to take a look at something. It has been done in the past for balance issues, and I’ve been listened a few times in the community feedback. At the moment, I’m doing small scale statistics about smurfs. One may do some about unranked. If they’re there to be reported when the community feedbacks come, they might some day catch their eye. :bulb:

What kind of stats? How are you getting these numbers?
What is the aimed outcome?

This actually isn’t a big deal in the long run, your MMR will eventually stabilize around your “true” rating.