TvZ Dealing with Nidus play

Anyone have any good replays or advice? its really hard to deny overseers on some maps from dropping in main and the swarm host nonsense is just ridiculous.

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A few banshees posted near the locations the worms usually pop up can be good.

i have 0 clue how to defeat 1 base swarm host play,it seems unbeatable,but it must have some big flaw since pros dont even try going for that,which is weird,anyways ihave a replay i somehow beat a 5.5k guy doing it
https:// sc2replaystats .com/account/display/34353

I mostly see good multitasking (like pulling workers asap and good building placement for vision), single cyclones patroling arround, thor drops, banshees, liberators sieged on the nydus while attacking it with hellions.

marines in bunkers, double starport banshee sounds nice if it’s 1 base and like 2-1-1 if it’s 2 base+. I don’t like the tanks because they’re not mobile to deny vision (overlords, creep, changelings) or can react fast to nydus (needs to unsiege to move) and costs gas you can spend on upgrades like stim, cs or medivacs.
And the more gas you need early on, the less you can invest into expanding.

Hellion/cyclone is what I see vs. swarm hosts, too.

Edit: So something like marine/banshee into hellion/banshee and into hellion/cyclone + at least 1 raven vs. creep and to place an auto-turret vs. the locusts (make them land/waste the cooldown, harrass drones) should be good.

Marine/banshee should also be good as zerg can’t build mass lings with only 1 base of larvae and marines are cheap so they can help with scouting the map for overlords and hidden expansions and nydus attempts.

Interesting would also be a BC rush with marines + bunkers. I think that would actually be the hard counter as 1 BC can take out everything.

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i got absolutely shrek’d by it the first few times it happened. what I found out works is entrenching yourself like the maginot line. get bunkers get widowmines. especially widowmines. When you get a medivac out you can star harassing the zerg (they wont have a huge economy) with luck they’ll expend some locusts in defence and it gives you space. The real issue is that your addons will get meme’d on. getting stim up is a real struggle so you’ll really really want those bunkers and mines. The player I went against transitioned in to hydra ling bane and I managed to claw out a victory with a 2-2 timing. If i weren’t super lazy I’d look up the replay (i dont name mine). now since you’re playing against 5.5k players my reply will have 0 value to you since i’m struggling in low diamond but it might help someone in my shoes. (if you figure out something not trash like my stuff pls msg me!)

Just use Liberator’s over the Nydus. Anything that pops out dies one by one. Swarm host will die as they come out.

sieged liberator with +2 attack should 2-shot swarm hosts if I see that correctly (75+ 2x5 vs. 160hp +1 armor + 0-3 armor)

Lol no, 4 queenns pop out immidiately along with creep and bb lib with at max 1 queen killed while u lost an important unit at this stage of the game, get a banshee instead