They definitely don’t.
Units in bunkers, etc. don’t benefit from units outside, normally.
Gameplay wise it would require substantial rebalancing as trooper/worker indoctrination is OP already
They definitely don’t.
Units in bunkers, etc. don’t benefit from units outside, normally.
Gameplay wise it would require substantial rebalancing as trooper/worker indoctrination is OP already
Thank you for such a comprehensive response. I’ll digest this when I play later this evening. I just have Stukov, Stetmann & Mengsk to level. With the holiday bonus, I’m hoping to level all three by the end of the weekend.
I’m sure I’ll have some questions. I really appreciate the pre-level 15 answer. That’s something the TL(.net) guides don’t really cover.
Honestly, I found Mengsk to be more powerful than Karax on DoN. Brutations might change it, but for Brutal I had each entrance defended by 4 bunkers with Assault (rifle) Troopers, backed by 2 sieged Shock Division (tanks), with an Imperial Witness overhead for detection and a single Laborer just in case.
This was potent enough that basically nothing could scratch them, much less pose a threat. The only time I even had to interact with them at all was when a Stank showed up, at which point I unleashed a top bar on it (a nuke won’t kill it, but 100 energy Zerk will). If not for the Stanks I could have just wandered off and held indefinitely.
Admittedly that doesn’t leave a lot of supply for a combat force of any kind - just 6, assuming full econ saturation and a witness for them. And I put those into a bunker of Hailstorm (rocket) Troopers at the top left entrance to assist with Spotters (they like that entrance). But you’ll have plenty of mandate to call on Zerg and nukes, even with the Stanks, to help push the map.
I suppose I could buy another 8 supply using Missile Turrets instead of Witnesses, but that leaves 14 supply and even less to do with it since you’ve now got AA rockets for assistance. Earthsplitter duty for them, I suppose!
Yup, checked and you’re right. Not sure why I thought they did.
Does anyone know for certain how the dropping/picking up weapons mechanic works?
Dominion troopers pick them up from what I’ve noticed but it’s difficult to tell what drops them, and if it’s random or not.
If a Trooper with upgraded weaponry dies, it drops the weapon you upgraded it with. Any other Trooper that has yet to recieve an upgraded weapon will pick up the dropped weapon if he walks over it.
Some little details i’ve noticed aswell:
-Dropped weapons have a timer, they last a handfull of minutes, but they do
eventually disappear
-they do have a pick up radius, it somewhere around 2-3 range but the important bit is that a trooper doesn’t have to walk precisly on top of the guns to pick them up.
-Troopers within bunkers will pick up weapons dropped near the bunkers. If you where to convert some armed troopers into workers, any unarmed trooper within the bunker they switched on will pick up their weapon, for example
Thx for the comment, that’s good to know about the Imperial Witness. So, that goes for Stetmann too? I habe Stukov, Stetmann & Mengsk left to lvl and was curious to how his Stet ones affect my ally.
Thanks again. That really did help. My last few games went well (helped that my ally was competent). I’m finding that the Ageis Gaurds are really helpful too.
Quick follow up question. So I’ve been playing for a few years and my APM is decent. I hotkey’d about 8 Earthsplitters. Just unlocked for my last game. Do you have to stop them from bombarding an area before selecting a new target?
No problem, glad I could help. Similarly the blue zone affects movement speed and not mining speed. So next story same as the first, it provides no additional benefit to an already saturated mineral line. In terms of Stetmann’s speed zone it’s worth covering your opponents main/natural if they are close by you. You can often give them satellite coverage a few minutes before they would be fully saturated. Additionally, if your ally is playing a gas intensive commander they can take advantage of the satellite by taking earlier gas geysers.
Here are some things to take into consideration when deciding to provide satellite coverage for your ally early on:
What map you are on: If you are on a map where both starting bases are very close together, then it’s an easy choice. When considering where to spread after that consider whether you will need to attack or defend an objective first, or go after your naturals right away. On a map like Part and Parcel you can go push the objective of collecting parts while also getting closer to to your relatively far away naturals. If you work in tandem with your ally you can quickly kill to birds with one stone.
For another example, take Rifts to Korhal. On this map your main bases are a standard distance apart, but your naturals are on opposite sides of each other and relatively far away. And they are completely out of the way of the initial objective straight ahead. On this map you are better off providing coverage down the middle lane and then branching out from there.
Also consider your allies commander choice. Zagara and Mengsk both saturate their mains very quickly and will get little to no benefit from the increased speed. On the other hand, Swann and Dehaka both take their time building workers and would appreciate the boost. Generally the protoss players will be chrono boosting their nexus at this point and will receive less benefit. If you match up with a commander who’s going to saturate their main quickly, consider spreading to their natural first or giving yourself a fast reinforcement route to the next main objective.
On a side note, a strong strategy as Stetmann (at least for my style), is to spread macro hatcheries throughout the map. This way you can get satellite coverage to the rest of the map faster, while also reinforcing your army at blistering speed. If you have a general knowledge of when/where the attack waves spawn, then you can put these hatches anywhere you want to. I know that was a wall of text, but hopefully it was informative
Thanks again. That really did help. My last few games went well (helped that my ally was competent). I’m finding that the Ageis Gaurds are really helpful too.
Quick follow up question. So I’ve been playing for a few years and my APM is decent. I hotkey’d about 8 Earthsplitters. Just unlocked for my last game. Do you have to stop them from bombarding an area before selecting a new target?
Yeah you do. Fortuantely though, his bunkers, missile turrets and EO can all be salvaged for full retail price. So you can happily salvage and set up a new defensive front throughout the mission. Very useful on a map like Malwarfare where EOs in your main aren’t going to hit much of anything.
Just to clarify for you and anyone else, it’s not worth your time putting an Imperial Witness over your allies mineral line. It doesn’t generate mandate and the increase to movement speed is meaningless because they should already be fully saturated (this goes for Stetmann’s blue zone too). The increase is to movement speed, but doesn’t affect the speed of mining a mineral patch. So an increase in speed just means that workers get to the mineral patch faster, but then have to spend time waiting around because the previous worker isn’t done mining yet. Ultimately it’s a zero sum gain.
Interesting. People kept telling me in-game that it was boosting performance. 3 Stetmann players got especially mad at me for not doing it. After about 14 different complaints from my ally I just put one on each mineral field anyway so people wouldn’t bltch at me for not doing so.
There was a write up here about using blue Stetzone on mineral lines, and people went up in arms about it. The general consensus was “do it just to be nice, it’s free, who cares if you benefit from it or not”.
Witnesses buff don’t get as much objection because they are late tech and are not free.
Also similar to Stettman, you want to park an Imperial Witness over each mineral line owned by you and you are partner because they boost the overall speed of the units within the radius. If we use the Void Thrashing map as an example, you could have 100 points ready for the Dogs of War ability before the Thrashers appear on the left side of the map if you rush the witnesses as fast as possible.
Any info on the exact output for both Stetmann’s blue zone, and Indoctrination field? 40% (+20% + 20%, or 20 + 10 for Stetmann ally), or is it multiplicative?
It is an unfortunate mix of placebo effect and quick spreading of misinformation. Stetmann’s speed is at least a bit relevant since it comes into play at the start of the match before full saturation has been achieved.
Also, I’ll provide a source to further dispel this myth:
“Should not be placed on ally mineral lines as it does not generate Mandate, and movement speed increases do not raise resource income after saturation.” - Co-op Wiki - htt ps://starcraft2coop com/commanders/mengsk
Thanks for the post. I can’t speak for Mengsk but when I have a Stetmann ally and they place a Stetzone over my mineral patch, you can click the worker and see their speed is about 2x faster. So, while it takes the same amount of time to mine, they move twice as fast. Right? I’d be curious as to the “extra” mandate with Mengsk and their ally.
Yes the blue zone is very noticeable before full saturation. However once your ally is saturated they receive no additional benefit. Only 2 workers can be mining a mineral patch, with the 3rd in transit. Using speed zone at that point only results in that 3rd worker getting to the patch sooner, where it then has to wait and make up the difference.
Think of it this way. If you are driving and see a train blocking your way, speeding into the train doesn’t get you to your destination faster. You must slow to a stop and wait your turn. It’s the same with mineral mining. Increased movement speed provides no additional resources because mining speed is the actual limiting factor.
Gotcha, yeh that makes sense. I’m working on lvl’ing both Stetmann & Mengsk right now. So good to know.
Only 1 worker mines a patch at a time with 2 in transit/waiting (but the. basic idea is right…with faster move speed at satuation, less transit & more waiting)
There’s only one commander that benefits from movement speed at all times, coming either from stetman or mengsk, and that is Raynor due to his mules.